
Friday, December 28, 2012

Back from Christmas Holidays

My youngest sister is still in South Hampton enjoying herself and will be back on 2 January 2013. Meanwhile, I had a short holiday over Christmas and it is now over. Time flies so fast and before you know it, it is time for New Year celebration. I got myself an iPhone 5 with IOS 6 last night. I traded in my old iPhone 4 for $700 and bought the new iPhone 5 for $2,012. This month, I am in a spending moon and also contributed $400 to charity. I also got a Prada handbag from KLCC, the most expensive gift I got myself. These are my own hard earned money and it pays to spend a little so that there is the motivation to keep working diligently.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Yaz Class Action Lawsuit

You don't want to get into yaz class action lawsuit, especially after accusing your employee over something trivial when you come to work 1 hour late every other day! You want to shift the blame game on some other innocent people so that your faults are not highlighted! So, this is all very funny! Wait till bad karma falls on you like a tonne of bricks - now you can barely feed yourself, no money for retirement and your dog starves like crazy. Maybe the action lawsuit is just what you need for sabotaging other people's lives. Beware, it comes around like a boomerang to the perpetrators!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Clovis carpet cleaners

I just reached KL at 2:30am this morning and now still feeling the effects of grogginess. This place does not have any carpets which requires minimal maintenance. But for those of you with carpets at home, you might like to check out Clovis carpet cleaners, by clicking on the link to find out more information. In the meantime, I take away Subway sandwich and chicken soup for my lunch today as I won't be going out. Not sure about my dinner and it depends on when my colleague can come back from site so that I will have the use of the car. Hope to go to Sunway Pyramid and see the awesome Christmas decos.

Monday, November 19, 2012

VistaPrint and Great Holiday Gifts

I love VistaPrint! They have awesome ready made templates of various themes for you to choose for the cards design. All you need to do is just type in your name, address, company name, contact numbers, fax number, email, etc. The designs are so intricately done and I simply love them! This Christmas, you can get your business or personal cards printed out for free for 250 copies and get a free stamp!

Just last month, I had my boss' name cards printed out for 5 boxes or 500 pieces for $120.00 or 24 cents a card. This is more expensive than our regular printer who charges us 18 cents a card, or $54.00 for 300 pieces. I forgot the previous price and did not keep track but realized our regular printer was much cheaper with better quality print compared to the new card printer.

Well, to get started, you can click on the banner above that will direct you to have your VistaPrint cards designed in a jiffy - all done online at your fingertips. This is an ingenious way to leverage on the internet and get global clients! The internet has certainly made the world connected and smaller. It is now borderless business transaction with instant payment via your credit card through their safe and secure payment gateway.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Spencer Philip Jensen

Well, you might like to know about a young and handsome eligible bachelor known as Spencer Philip Jensen. He is an economist by profession and works in a local bank in the US. After graduation, Jensen did not have the luxury to go for an European holidays unlike his peers and started working immediately the moment he left the varsity. Citibank took him in based in his good academic results in the previous years and hence, he got his first employment.

To cut to the chase, well, he graduated with honors and was happy to keep his job at Citibank earning an above average pay for a fresh graduate. He is now scouting to buy a small apartment near his work place and hopes to find the right girl friend to settle down soon.

With his credentials and good working attitude and relations with all his colleagues, this guy will go far in life and make a good life partner to whoever he marries.

Friday, October 26, 2012


Guitars are very popular musical instruments for any picnic or party. They are portable and can be easily carried around. Unlike large, heavy pianos or organs where you need to connect to electricity, guitars can be strummed on the spot during any gatherings. Christian worship leaders love strumming the guitar while leading in the Sunday worship service. Guitars can also be used for any cell groups, when they meet up weekly in the hosts' homes. In fact, I have an old guitar somewhere in my house which was on loan by my cousin many years ago.

I can play simple songs picking on the guitar strings. This song is very sentimental to me and I will play on it to make music to de-stress while studying in Singapore. Those were my student days when all we ever think about was to pass exams with flying colours.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Stun Gun

I read lots of crime about people being killed or robbed randomly in Kuala Lumpur. And this happens mainly to Chinese. Perhaps the perpetrator thinks that Chinese are naturally richer, staying in bigger home and therefore they are targeted. Such robbers need to be shot with a stun gun, to teach them a lesson.

Otherwise, more precious lives will be lost down the road as long as they are roaming freely amongst us. Most of them are foreigners like Indonesian who carry parangs to rob innocent rich people. In Malaysia, the police do not carry any stun guns, but instead use the real gun. So when it come to battle with the police force, you cannot beat them and might be killed instead when there is exchange of fire.

Murderers and robbers do not deserve to live and roam freely. They should be put behind bars for life to prevent a repeat of the crime.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rebecca Leeb

Rebecca Leeb is a pretty young lady with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She just graduated in Accounting from Monash University in Australia and is currently looking for a job. With her attractive physical attributes, she will have no problem in landing a good paying job of her choice.

She is smart, talented, yet humble. Her down to earth character wins her many friends in her social network.

Statistics have shown that men prefer women with black and brown hair over women with blonde hair. The social networking site Badoo conducted a survey on 2,000 men, which asked men about their inclination towards women on the basis of their physical appearance.

As per the data of the survey, above 60% men liked women with black and brown hair, whereas, only 29.5% men were attracted to women with blonde hair.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Michael W. Leroy

There was once a man by the name of Michael W. Leroy, who is a devout Catholic and stays near his church. He is active in church, serving as a lector and photographer at the same time. He has 2 smart daughters who are also fellow Catholics like him.

They also serve in the same church as fellow lectors, who will go up to the pulpit to read the Bible scriptures for the day during Church service. Both his daughters are blessed in their own rights, single and unmarried. They are financially independent and do not need a partner to support them.

Well, their father is still alive and kicking. He also serves in Little Sisters of the Poor as a volunteer there. As a retiree, he gets a monthly pension from the government, being retired from the civil service as a former school teacher. Michael W. Leroy is indeed very blessed with good health, wealth and smart daughters.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Priority Banking

Today I went to Public bank again to take out my Fixed Deposit that matured last month and put into Standard Chartered Bank to take advantage of the 4.01% interests rate per annum. In the meantime, I also applied for priority banking and received a notepad that looks like a diary. I also hope to get my Infinity Credit Card. Well, I am not too happy with the service of the relationship manager who tells me that there is no gift at all and all given out. After much talking, then only she relented. My God! This was my entitlement that should be given out automatically and not with much persuasion or arm-tactic. I feel like lodging a complaint but then that will be another day.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Pradaxa Side Effects

If you encounter any of pradaxa side effects, well simply just click on the link given to read up and find out more about it, when the browser loads up. Some medication give side effects that may be harmful to your health and it is therefore your responsibility to find out more from the doctor or pharmacist before purchase.

Some medication help you put on more weight while others may cause other side effects. Whatever it is, always check with your physician or pharmacist prior to consumption. Never take everything for granted and that the medication will work well on you without any side effects. Your health is your wealth!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Buy Blog Posts

If you would like to get high traffic, then it makes good financial sense to buy blog posts. The posts will be added to many blogs instantly and you can get high Page Rank juice if you have more incoming links for your site. Traffic brokers are very well aware of this, hence they will search online for blogs with good traffic to place their blog posts or their clients' blog posts.

The internet is a hive of activity and keeps changing. Many people are able to make use of the internet as a cash cow and to milk from the internet. They work comfortably in their home office that is equipped with internet connectivity, computer or laptop. There are millions of readers and browsers every day, and these people are hungry for something to read.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Secret Diet Plan

With all the good, yummy food last night and the night before, I think I need to get a secret diet plan, to lose some weight. My sister came out from Suzhou and will be pursuing her PhD in South Hampton soon, flying off in the morning of the coming Wednesday! Since I don't exercise, I need some special diet plan to help me shed off those extra kilos!

Spy Cameras for Home

If you hire au pair or a nanny, sometimes you might want to install spy cameras for home to monitor the maid's movements and how she takes care of your baby. It is useful and provides a concrete proof if there is any denial or to show as evidence in court. You can never take the safety of your toddler in the hands of someone else and completely trust her while you are busy in the office at work. Get a hidden camera and this will help solve your worries.

Now you can go to work with complete peace of mind knowing that you have a second eye to monitor what is happening at home. This is also useful if you have a neighbor from hell and you can submit the hidden camera recordings as proof of mischief or assault!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Treating Seafood Tonight

Later tonight, I will treat my family of 6, 10 crabs of which 5 are baked and another 5 cooked in sweet and sour gravy. I will also order streamed fish for my dad who does not take crabs. I love the nestum mantis prawns or 'hae kor'. Might also include balitong for my second sister, while she is still here for her short holidays before departing for South Hampton to further her PhD studies in English Literature. Unfortunately, youngest sister is unable to join us as she has promised her friend to attend her birthday party. Well, you might like to know that this dinner is impromptu and decided at the last minute. Just wish me a yummy time!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Survival of the Fittest

When I was a student, my late aunt used to tell me this is the world where it is the survival of the fittest! She was right. We have to be careful of what we watch on telly, read, etc. Don't fill our minds with garbage of things of bad supernatural forces, evil, etc. We become sane and stable when we be transform by the renewal of our minds each day as we read the Bible, which is God's love letter to mankind. When we believe right, we live right. We will not allow negative elements to enter our lives and have the wisdom to discern good or bad people. Who we choose as friends is also important! Hence we need to avoid the naysayers and those who shoot down our dreams to soar to greater heights.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Verified My Payza

Today I managed to successfully verify my Payza account. It was formerly known as Alert Pay. However, the debit card that I bought online is still Alert Pay and I am not sure if I can still use it with Payza. There is USD 32 loaded to the card of which I have been trying to withdraw using the Visa ATM machines. I am still clueless as to how to withdraw into Malaysian Ringgit of RM 90.00 after a deduction of USD 3 for the transaction. Otherwise, I will just use the debit card to purchase items from any of the supermarkets and free up the loaded cash. The money saved is my hard work completing micro jobs from a web site.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Title Loans Daytona Beach

In my partner's business, we have to live by faith that the next check will come soon to pay our many workers and material and to pay our suppliers. With bad economic situation, and the Eurozone debt debacle, money is hard to come by and we could feel this even doing business in Malaysia.

Who knows, we might just need Title Loans Daytona Beach. Our overheads are very high every week and we need constant income from our completed projects to continue running and operating the small business.

Sometimes, our Bangladeshi workers will have their wages delayed for some time because some clients just refused to pay the balance payment upon completion. These people have no integrity and will default on their word and promise to pay after the sports courts are completed!

So, we might just need Title Loans Daytona Beach to help tide us out in these trying times!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Youth Wealth and Wellness

When you have kids who grow up in their adolescents, you need to ensure their wealth and wellness through Humira Orencia El Paso Tx. Just click on the links given to find out more information. Who knows, this might just be the solution for your kids.

You need to ensure their wealth by putting aside some savings every month in their bank accounts and teach them the value of money and how to spend within their means. Afterall, wealth can only be created if you spend less than you earn!

So, in the meantime, check out Humira Orencia El Paso Tx and maybe even bookmark it.

Nikon D7000 Accessories

My father is an avid photographer and he is the official church photographer for The Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. He has many Nikon D7000 accessories as part of his photography tools and he carries a big black camera bag with him when he on his photo taking rounds in the church compound.

He also takes photos for weddings of his friends in his younger days. This is his hobby which has earned him some lucrative income using just his camera. He uses a comprehensive DSLR camera and not the automatic point and shoot type that you can keep in your handbag.

He also owns several types of camera lenses - one to make the sky bluer, another to double or even triple the image of the object and so on.

Went to Shanghai Last Month

I was in Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou last month during my birthday. I traveled there with my youngest sister by Malaysian Airlines. Boy, it was an experiential journey by air!

The holidays in Shanghai was good. I took the Maglev train or known as Magnetic Levitation train traveling at 400km per hour from Pudong Airport to Shanghai. Visited a few tourists spots in Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou where we watched a Grammy award winning show on a lake!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Some People Barely Make Money

Some people buy a laptop, pay for internet services, install programmes and blogs but are hardly making any money. I mean, you don't hear them blogging what they do, their income or anything of that sort. But they are very good copy cats, doing what others do, hoping to emulate them in making tonnes of money. Alas, they find that it is not the same success as others have made. Well, for one, you cannot be a copycat with no background knowledge of computers.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Property Management Brickell

Everyone needs a roof over their heads like owning or renting properties such as an apartment, condominium, terrace house, semi-detached double storey house, bungalow, etc. You can check out Property Management Brickell if you wish to buy or rent an apartment in your area like Miami, Florida.

Just check out the details below:

Azure Realty Group12573
Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, FL
(786) 208-7004

I was browsing through the internet and came across the links above where you can click and read to find out more information. With the internet, everything becomes global and borderless and it is good for everyone else with an internet connectivity.

Title Loan Tampa

I just came back from a holiday in Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou last night. The trip was worthwhile and now it is back to work again. Also managed to do some surfing the web sites when I came across Title Loan Tampa, where you can click on the link to read up more information.

Title Loan Tampa is the site to visit and bookmark should you require a loan in Tampa. With the recession in Europe and joblessness in USA, many people would certainly need a loan to survive in this tough economic situation.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Replace Hot Water Heater

I was browsing through the web site when I came across replace hot water heater. You can click on the link given and read it to find out more information. Today, I just received a very thick manual about the terms and conditions for opening a franchise business which is a small restaurant.

The business looks good but it is all about location. Opening a franchise restaurant business in the right location will prosper the owner but it takes lots of careful consideration before parting with the franchisee fees.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Family Law Firm Clearwater

I have a few members of my family who are lawyers and some of them have their own firms or business. They are quite successful in their own rights and doing quite well. Well, you might have heard that interests is in science but money is in arts. You can check out Family Law Firm Clearwater and click on the link to find out more information.

It is good to note that services such as Family Law Firm Clearwater are able to provide you much needed legal service such as conveyancing or litigation in court.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

GNC Port St Lucie FL

I just came back from lunch in Old Town White Coffee restaurant and the weather outside was very hot. This problem is compounded by excessive cutting off the trees to make way for a new highway in USJ. I was browsing through the internet and found health products at GNC Port St Lucie FL, where you can click on the link to find out more information.

The web site has several testimonials of customers before and after using the health products at GNC Port St Lucie FL. Well, you will never know until you try it out for yourself, should you have any of the conditions in your body.

Now I am taking a break from work and later on, I shall continue with my computer work in technical drawings using Microsoft Word and the Draw program. My colleague has sent the car for repair which broke down in Rawang, about 1 hour from KL where I had to wait for well over 5 hours for the engine overhaul.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Free Christian Dating

If you just broke up, divorced or separated, you can check out Free Christian Dating. There is always someone for everyone and you will never be lonely again. A case in point, it was highlighted by the press yesterday that an Indian software engineer committed suicide because he was lonely and his parents just passed away, leaving a will of $12 million to the Prime Minister!

Well, his relatives are fighting for the lump sum money, saying it belongs to his ancestors and cannot be given out! So, it goes to show that 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.' Even much riches is not panacea to the lonely soul, crying out for some human company.

Private Blog Network

I was browsing through the various web sites when I came across private blog network where you can click on the link to find out more information. This site provides full service link building to increase your rankings for your sites. It is based in California.

By getting more links to your site, you can get higher Page Ranking or PR by google and this may also increase your revenue. Too many outbound links will reduce your PR, and hence you can get the company listed above to prevent that. There are many blogs and web sites willing to take up offers for very affordable fees, sometimes even below the market rate.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Criminal Attorneys Gilbert

I have 8 doctors as relatives in my mother's side of family and 4 lawyers who are my relatives. These people are professionals and businessmen in their own rights, doing very well in society and in fact, contributing to the nation. Talking about lawyers, you can check out Criminal Attorneys Gilbert, by clicking on the links given here to find out more information.

Seriously, law is a multi-billion dollar business in USA. Why? That's because people get lawsuits at the slightest reasons for this this, you need a good lawyer like Criminal Attorneys Gilbert to defend your case in court. Hence, litigation is big business and lawyers are well respected. Moreover, you will notice many politicians are lawyers like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton. Not only that, they also become famous book authors, penning their own books which sell worldwide.

Therefore, you will find many multi-millionaires are lawyers in USA, fighting for cases against big MNCs and winning big time.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Got an Offer to Blog

Today, I received an offer to blog and get paid. Working on the internet other than my main job is my part time income, where I will write articles for clients now and then. It is a win-win basis for both parties. I love my job and I work in my pajamas.

It is like a dream come true - my goal all this while is to be able to sustain myself while working from a home office with just a computer and internet connectivity. So, working at a home office suits me perfectly well. No more office politics and back stabbing.

No more 'disease of Egypt' or simply known as 'stress!' Do you know that stress can kill you slowly but surely? Now with an understanding boss, my life has turned around 180 degrees and I take it as God's provision and blessings upon my life.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Offer to Write

I received a writing offer after submitting my resume for the job which I found online. Well, the young start up has paid me a few times already after I delivered the work promptly. It is about 5 sen per word which is about 1.67 cents USD per word, which is not too bad.

What I like about this gig is that I have the freedom to write as much as I like or as little as I wish. So, everything is up to me. The articles are for the web site and there are reference sites for me to browse through. It is so easy peasy but who says working hard for money is difficult?

If you are afraid of hard work, then I think it is not for you. Otherwise, it could be a profitable hobby working at home in your own pace.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Depression is a very real problem affecting many people. When you are depressed, you become inward looking, sad and introvert. Severe depression may lead to suicide, which should be avoided at all costs. It affects society in every level from the young to the aged.

A few times, I have read in the papers of people becoming depressed and if not controlled, will lead to more severe consequences. When someone is depressed, don't just ignore it, thinking it will go away by itself. Depressed people should listen to more songs of praises to lift up the countenance and bring cheer to the spirit. Never belittle those who are depressed as this is a cursed world that we live in - full of problems and challenges.

Therefore, we should rise to the occasion by mixing with cheerful people or those who give out positive vibes. Never mix too much with negative people who will affect your state of mind. The battle is all in the mind and you should get yourself transformed by the renewal of the mind each day.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Actos Lawsuit

Litigation is big, very big business in USA. Lawyers are millionaires and get millions of compensation for their clients if they win the case in court. That is why with every small opportunity, people sue big companies in the hope to get some cash. The latest is companies suing Facebook in its IPO launch as they have lost money in the process of buying the IPO. Well, Mark Zuckerberg is already a billionaire; and small timers are taking the chance to get back compensation from the Facebook behemoth.

Likewise for medication at the pharmacy, side effects of taking Actos have resulted in actos lawsuit all over the country. Doctors should stop prescribing it as it has undesirable health side effects. Victims should check out the link given here and see their lawyers to claim for their troubles with consuming Actos.

Like I said before, litigation is major big business in the States and you cannot run away from being sued the pants out of you!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

W South Beach Residences

I love going for holidays overseas and next year, I will be going to Singapore during the Chinese New Year. I will be going with my family and we plan to stay with my wealthy uncle in a bungalow in District 10, which is a secluded area with many embassies as neighbours. My uncle is now in his ripe old age of 95, going on to 96 and still very hale and hearty. If you go for vacation, you can check out W South Beach Residences for accommodation or even to invest in a unit.

W South Beach Residences is the premier place to stay during your rejuvenating holidays abroad and it need not break an arm and a leg of your finances or hard-earned money. Just click on the link to find out more information for yourself.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spend Less and Save More

It is better to Spend Less and Save More. This is to ensure that you have a golden years ahead instead of woeful times in your twilight years. Just last week, I bought 100 shares of Nestle at $55.00 a share and the charges cost me about $30. So the total amount was $5,530. Today, the shares dropped to $51 a share and I wished that I had bought it later and not earlier. That's because I see that the Nestle shares rose up drastically from last year to this year. But I guess, the drop will also be significant. As I bought the shares through my online share trading account, I can always track the price anytime I want. It is my first time buying shares and I hope to be wiser next time. It is my hard earned money put into the investment vehicle. Share trading has to be learnt and the skills will stay with you as long as possible.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sports Betting Tips

Many people turn to the internet to bet and get some sports Betting Tips. This is a groovy way to earn money with the comfort of home. You have to take full advantage of the internet connectivity to do business, earn a living like dealing with eBay, offering skilled services like the virtual assistants of India, Philippines, etc. You can even find love and perhaps your soul mate online by chatting up with people. In the past, I have had business deals by chatting with strangers and they became my web site clients. Living life with the new age internet has make a difference to my professional and social life. I found my boss online and he is now my best friend too. I have worked for him and the same company for the last 8 years, going on to many more fruitful years to come.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Doing More But Getting Less

Happiness with contentment is great gain. Sometimes it is better to do less and be happy, using the time to meditate on God's word than to do so many micro jobs for peanuts! In the end the blog will have less page ranking due to outgoing links and be worth less than before. Not only that, juicy posts are getting less and far in between. This is what I have noticed from participating in completing micro jobs. Just wish that I had been contented then instead of losing out and wasting my time away for the nominal sum. But then, no one told me about this before I embarked on the opportunities paying in cents.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Personal Injury Manhattan

In a short while I will be going to the bank as my bonds have matured and most likely the bank personnel who called me will promote the banking products like mutual fund or something like that. The appointment was supposed to be 9:30am but I woke up late at 10:00am today. So I guess, I will have to wait some time before it is my turn and I will get a free gift like a pen, mug, towels, et cetera.

After that I will go to my apartment to rest and relax for the weekend. I cannot swim yet as I am down with a cough and going to the gym will be postponed to a later date. In the meantime, you can check out Personal Injury Manhattan which offers litigation service and other legal service in Brooklyn, USA.

I have worked in a law firm before on a temporary basis for my relative and learnt some new legal jargon there. You might also want to bookmark Personal Injury Manhattan if you intend to use their service one day. Law firms are big time earners in the states, winning hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars in court.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What Are Green Wines

what are green wines infographic
Presented By Purveyors of fine green Wines

At a wedding feast in Canna, Jesus turned water into the best intoxicating wine. It was the best quality wine they guests ever had. More like vintage wine that you keep for at least 40 years for a celebration. Hence, the guests enjoyed the wine and had much merry making, thanks to the miracle performed by Jesus over two thousand years ago.

Wine has never been prohibited as lectured in some Christian circles. A moderate amount of wine is good for the heart, about a glass a day is recommended. It helps to unclog the blocked arteries of the heart, thus helping to reduce heart disease. The alcohol content helps to dissolve the bad cholesterol that blocks the arteries. Not only that, wine contains resveratrol, which is a powerful anti-oxidant and this helps prevent cancer, the dreaded disease. Overall, wine is good for health, if drunk at a moderation such as having one glass each day.

My boss loves to drink wine and will have a glass to chill out each night after dinner. My dad also has 2 bottles of wine at home which he consumes now and then after a good hearty meal. I attended a grand wedding dinner in Genting Highlands last month, and there was free flow of wine served by the waiters. The food was good and there were at least one thousand guests, which made in into the Malaysian book of records for the most number of guests invited to a wedding.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Other Avenues to Earn

Sometimes you earn more by doing less. I used to have fewer posts and earn much more from a program in USA. But since taking up micro jobs and earning miniscule amount, doing much more, the returns are less as an end result. Even Adsense is no longer available. And this blog is now full of micro posts of 50 to 100 words. The opportunnities to post is getting fewer too. I am not sure how long I can sustain writing, but it might be a good idea to venture into other avenues to earn such as book writing. Work once and earn forever. This might be a better model to consider because age is catching up and you cannot go on working forever. My boss is not young anymore, but it is only through God's grace that he has supernatural strength.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Looking for Legal Services?

In a short while, I will be going to KL for business. I still recall many years ago, working for my aunt who is an advocate and a solicitor in Shenton Way in Singapore. I was just her temporary secretary while looking for a permanent job. Talking about lawyers, you can check out Dui Attorney Springfield and Criminal Attorney Springfield by clicking on the links given and read up more about them, especially if you are staying near Springfield.

The legal fraternity is needed to litigate our cases in court and to fight for our rights as a citizen. When it comes to crime cases, these lawyers can help you out, speaking on your behalf using the legal terms, that sometimes we find it difficult to understand. That is why, they are taught for at least 4 years in the university, reading up cases and having mock court case before graduating and becoming qualified lawyers.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Portable Stage

In my line of work, my company which deals with sports surfaces might need portable stage. Sometimes, we have enquiries for such product. Our specialty is installing sports surfaces all over the country. With a company web site, our business is not limited to just one state, but the whole nation. We get a few enquiries every day and there will always be something for me to do each day.

Our business model operates like Air Asia - very affordable and earn in bulk. Our company mission is to make sports affordable for everyone here. This is to encourage youths to participate in playing futsal or any other sports for that matter; instead of doing drugs and playing truant in school. Sports activities are beneficial to the nation and it can generate lots of income from sponsorships. Just look at our world no. 1 badminton player, Dato' Lee Chong Wei and squash queen, Nicol David. They have both made the nation proud and are doing very well in their own right.

Both of them also got a few sponsorships each, earning them thousands of dollars every year. This is what I call a win-win situation for both players and the country. And they deserve their rewards, trophies and medals, not forgetting the financial rewards.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Home Security Reviews

I will be going to KL later this evening with my colleague. We have to visit a few people in the hope of getting continuous jobs for our blue-collar workers from Bangladesh. Incidentally, a neighbor just passed away due to stroke. My dad attended the funeral wake last night. I am now scanning my computer for viruses and it seems to be taking hours for the job. You also need to have your home secured and by reading up home security reviews, you will be in a better position to safeguard your sanctuary.

Ok, now it is back to work. No more moonlighting.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Divorce Attorney

Divorce is quite common in the States, if not all over the world. Couples fall in love and fall out of love after years of being together and boredom sets in; and being too familiar with one another. The problem starts when there are kids involved in the nasty fight for custody of them. Just check out Parenting Time Attorney Farmington Hills for more info.

By the way, don't say I did not warn you. You might need such service in future as divorce is never a plan but a very real risk to every married couple - unfaithfulness, third party being involved and the like.

High Traffic

This blog has relatively high traffic compared to my other blogs. Probably because it is due to the fact that I have uploaded lots of beautiful food photos in the past, therefore pulling in repeat visitors. And the fact that I can also leverage on it in earning a bit of income, works very well for me at the same time. I love blogging and have been doing it since August 2006. It is a part time hobby that I get involved in during my free time. Sometimes, I will change the theme to suit the occasion like Chinese New Year, or Christmas.

Check back for more updates. Have a good weekend!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bamboo Bed Sheets

I just received 8 CDs of Pastor Joseph Prince sermons from Singapore. They cost S$8 each and together with postage, it is around $260 in Ringgit. Later on, I am going to listen to some of the CDs in my bedroom while lying on bamboo bed sheets. I will turn on the air conditioner and pull up my silk duvet, bought from China in 2007, and just rest in the Lord while hearing God's message to increase my faith. It is said, "Faith comes by listening; listening the Word of God."

You can check out more about bamboo bed sheets by clicking on the link given here. I was surfing around for information and work to do online when I came across this link. It is possible to earn a little here and there from completing micro jobs online via the internet.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kohl S Coupon

I am a sucker for free gifts and kohl s coupon or even coupon codes for that matter. I also will always redeem my credit card points for gifts like food vouchers or movie vouchers. In the past, I have redeemed a set of bowls, plates, cups and saucers - not once but twice. I have also redeemed a funky watch, but unfortunately, it was not really functional; so I had it discarded. I have also redeemed make up bag using one of my 3 credit cards that I now use.

These are gimmicks that encourage you to spend more to collect points, but I am not easily fooled. I only spend when it is necessary, and no longer buy on impulse unlike the last time.

Gall Bladder Symptoms

I am still feeling a bit tired even after too much sleeping. This morning, I woke up at the normal time, before 9:00am and headed downstairs for a quick breakfast before firing my computer. As I check for work to complete, I came across gall bladder symptoms site where you can click on the link to find out more.

This blog has evolved into a general blog of sorts instead of focusing on food alone. It is also easier for me to maintain, besides getting some financial rewards now and then. Taking food photos are so time consuming - you have to snap nice mouth watering food photos, download them to the computer and then process each one in Photoshop before uploading them to Flicker and linking them for the food post.

V2 Cigs Review

I am not a smoker and will never consider picking up this habit. But for those of you smokers out there, you might like to check out V2 Cigs Review. I found this link on the internet and decided to take up this micro job. As for me, my health is too important to ever think of smoking at all.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Homwwork Help

The kids now a days are spoilt brats. With the internet, they can even get homework help immediately, unlike during my time, I have to crack my head and figure out how to solve the homework using the good old way. Now they take technology for granted as everything can be found easily via the internet and the search engines like Google.

You can even make money now and then with the internet connectivity. But I wonder how many of them actually make full use of the wide resources available online to their full advantage. Only the discerning and diligent will surely use this medium to improve their lives.

Auckland Car Rental

My sister has been to New Zealand once while during her school holidays. She was working as a teacher then. She took the auckland car rental to drive around Auckland with her friends and see the landscape of the beautiful country. Even colourful wild flowers grow in abundance by the road side and they make an eye candy, pleasing to the soul.

I have seen her photos taken in New Zealand and would love to go there one day. It is a splendid place with lots of natural beauty like the glazier, glow worms and if you the the outdoor type, there are lots of activities to keep you excitingly occupied.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Inspirational Quotes

I live by Inspirational Quotes every moment of my life. Those are mainly taken from the Bible such as 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,' or 'Knowledge is Power.' There are many more and exerpts from wise men. Still others like, 'Give a Man a Fish, and you Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man How to Fish, and you Feed Him a Life Time,' makes us study hard to learn life skills so that we can earn an income and be productive.

'The lazy hand will go hungry, he will look for food, but find nothing.' There is also the familiar one like, 'Make Hay while the sun Shines' - promtping us to take full use of the opportunities and youth to work hard while we are able and to save up for retirement in years to come.

Blogging from a Home Office

I have been blogging from a home office since August 2006 till today. At that time, blogging was quite lucrative with PPP dishing out juicy paid posts but it has since dried up - from an oasis of opportunities, it has become a barren desert. Now, there are hardly any more post on a daily basis, but I still get them once in a blue moon - and that is not too often. Luckily, I don't depend on blogging wholly. I still have my full time job to work for a friend in his sports building business and we travel all over Malaysia for projects.

It is commissioned basis with a basic income. So far, the company is doing quite fine to survive for the last 10 years in business despite having more competitors.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Head Lamp Converters

I woke up quite early this morning, had a cup of milo for breakfast and then headed straight to work after firing up my computer. I also happen to surf around for information and came across this site where you can click on the link to find out more information.

At the moment, I am reading up books on finances and how to have sufficient retirement nest egg in my golden years.

Best Home Security Cameras

Easter Sunday was yesterday and I made it a point to attend church on this important day which celebrates the resurrection power of Jesus Christ from the grave, 3 days after his crucifixion on Good Friday. In the meantime, you can check out best home security cameras which I happen to surf around today after completing my main job in a home office.

So, with the spare time, I use it to check for information on the net for products.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Link Building Service

Do you know that link building service is the lifeblood of your business just as oxygen is to your body? To grow your business, you need to invest some money in link building service. You can check out more information by clicking on the link given and read about their rates and packages. Blog posting is a form of link building, but to do this yourself every day is very time consuming. So, subcontract this job to the professionals who charge much cheaper compared to others.

Recently, I was bombarded with lots of posts to write and build links on my blog for other sites. They pay about $5 for 3 links on my other blog and the opps came in one big shot, about 20 opps per day for a few days and then it stopped.

Barracuda Stun Gun

It is not easy to earn money online. You need lots of luck and determination. You need to constantly work at it every day whenever there are new opps online. This morning, I came across a web site with barracuda stun gun information. You can click on the link to find out more.

I am a peacemaker and will not condone to violence to get things done my way. It is a big no-no. So, you will never find an arsenal of arms in my home. Today, I am bombarded with a few jobs to do online and am now very busy. At least it gives me some allowance each month.

Vehicle Insurance

I woke up quite early today, read the Bible on the book of Proverbs for a few chapters, checked my iPhone 4 and surf some web sites on my bed before heading downstairs for breakfast. Thereafter, I logon to my computer. Did some few clicks on 2 programs with one of them paying USD 10 cents per click with 10 links to click every day, earning me USD 1 per day. It takes USD 30 for cash out at the minimum.

Also found a site at vehicle insurance. Now this reminds me that my vehicle insurance is due for my olive green Myvi - the best selling car model in Malaysia. Ladies will love it for easy parking and its sleek body design. I love the curves and modern stylish outlook for young executives.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hair Feathers Extensions

I will never imagine myself wearing hair feathers extensions, but some people don't have second thoughts about using them. My hair is genuine, though white for some strands, but may be colored black.

This blog of mine has evolved to become a general blog of sorts from a food blog. Now I just update it with information on other products that may be of interests to me.

Home Security Systems Camera

I had a short nap just now after working for a while on my PC. Now it is back to work again and in a short while, I will take my bath before going out for dinner with a colleague. I bought 2 new books recently from Kinokuniya with 10% discount in KLCC. Who knows, I might just bring one book along to read and to keep me company while having dinner.

As an aside, you might like to check out home security systems cameras to be the eyes for your home especially when you are not around. Nowadays, children get mutilated when they walk on their own to playgrounds and such. We have to keep them safe from child traffickers, paedophiles, et cetera.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Tank Cleaning Miami

I just came back from Genting Highlands to attend a wedding dinner which was in the Malaysian book of records for the most number of tables at 165 in the Grand Convention Centre at First World Hotel. I also had lunch at Mandarin Oriental and bought 2 books at Kinokuniya in KLCC. Also became a member at Kinokuniya for $36 with 10% discount on books.

Now I am back in Penang and checking my emails where I came across a web site septic tank cleaning miami. You can click on the link to find out more information. Meanwhile, I have some work to complete on my own before doing the company work.

Stay at home No More

Thanks for the post from Nora Mccoy

I love living here but being a stay at home mom was boring me. I think it’s time I start my own business and I told my husband so – he is leery because he doesn’t want me to waste a bunch of money trying to get something off the ground and then it never take off. I think what I want to do is actually custom designed stationery – it’s a good time to do that kind of work and I think all the time about how much money those people must make. I’ve already researched how much the software costs and how much the Dallas T1 will be and all that and I’m going to present it to my husband. Hopefully he sees potential in this like I do and will loan me the money to get it off the ground but you know, at the end of the day it’s his decision and I have to trust that he knows best. Well, that and I know I can just ask my dad for the money!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Evogen Glycoject

It is a blessing to work from home. I have this dream job since February 2004 until today. Well, the company that I work for belongs to my friend who offers sports surfacing all over the country. Even as I work now, I also take time for a break by browsing web sites and came across Evogen Glycoject.

When I am not working, I will most likely be reading newspapers and catch up on the latest world events. My job is quite cushy and comfortable. That reminds me, later on, I have to write a check for the workers' EPF and SOCSO payment for this month.

Lets Go Software

Lets Go Software was programmed by skilled hard core programmers with highly logical thinking who are able to link the various pieces of code with thousands of lines long. That is why, programmers are highly paid, generally speaking. Not everybody is cut out to be a programmer and the skill can be acquired through constant learning.

You can check out the link given above and see what they offer. Who knows, you might just find something that suits your needs and wants for a long time. Though I graduate in computer technology, I don't find programming an easy task; preferring to do administrative work and maintaining web site for my company.


Microjobs abound in the internet and you just need to look for them judiciously. The small payments can add up bit by bit and from a mole hill, it will become as mountain of cash stock pile for your taking. This morning, as I was surfing the web site, I came across Jogos - where you can click and find out more information from the link given.

I have started doing micro tasks from the internet since December last year when I found a blog post chronicling about it and the earnings the blogger has received. Well, it was very attractive and a win-win deal for everyone - both the advertisers and publishers alike.

Now I am contemplating of buy a database of emails to do email marketing of my ebooks and info products. But this will be the first time I will purchase the database of more than 5 million US emails and those around the world.

Gourmet Gift Baskets

I love to read up about food and look for new recipes to try and cook at home once in a while. Today, I came across a web site call where you can order your gourmet food by paying with your credit card and have the ordered items delivered right to your door steps. This is what I call convenient shopping and it is suitable for the busy mom executive or manager who hardly has the time to go shopping with a family to take care of.

Right after work, the mom would be too tired to drive to the nearest store for the fresh produce to cook at home. Hence, she would rather pay a bit more to enjoy the convenience of prepared home gourmet food delivered in a basket to her house soon. All this can be done with the click of a mouse and this is the magic of the internet - to make our lives easier and not to complicate them.

We all tend to take this form of instant gratification for granted, but not during our parents' time. The Gen-Y are a lucky lot. They have iPhones, iPads, iTunes, iPods, etc. which their parents were devoid of. We even have microwave ovens that cook food in split seconds.

Take Nutritious Food

For optimal health, you should take nutritious food only such as fruits, veges, high-fiber food, salads, soups and such. You should avoid fries, burgers, junk food or any fast food that are deep fried. You can take low carb bread with high fiber and bran. Avoid the oils and carb that helps you put on weight in the wrong places. Eat wisely and you will be in the pink of health. From experience, if you consume too much, you may fall sick; So, don't gorge that food down your throat and don't indulge too much. Eat in moderation.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Olive Nation

Olive Nation is a website that sells many food products including extra virgin olive oil which is beneficial for your health. For every food product, it is linked to a shopping cart to take your orders simply by clicking on 'Click to Order' button below. You will be taken to another page where you need to key in your details like address, etc before payment is made.

It sells secret ingredients that gives the 'oomph' power to your recipes that distinguish those cooked by a professional cook from a novice. They have corn pasta, extracts, flower water and porcini mushrooms, amongst others.

You can simply Google around for the recipes and try them out without much sweat. I love to cook and will once in a while browse around for those delicious simple recipes to prepare my food. It is an art by itself and to be appreciated by a food gourmand such as yours truly.

Olive Nation also sells gifts, baking supplies, balsamic vinegar, caviar, fish and seafood, and many other exotic food. In good times and during recession, you still need to eat and food business will never wind down due to its market needs and popularity.

If you don't believe me, simply visit a supermarket and see how much food is stocked and sold there - ranging from fresh produce to dairy products, to canned food and processed food. You can never go wrong with food. And food is ubiquitous and universal - people need to eat to survive and have the energy to be productive at work.

Glorious Food

I love food and quite frequently, I will dine in fine restaurants during dinners as I go out with my colleague. We will discuss about work and in the meantime, enjoy good food, compliments from the company. But other times, when I need to slim down, then I will go for the local hawker fare and eat less. Food is glorious and being a food gourmet, I certainly appreciate the different flavors and textures.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Stun Gun

This is a different post from the usual food topic. Just wanna let you know I came across stun gun web site as I was browsing the internet this morning. Stun guns are used to freeze the movement and stun the intruder temporarily as he tries to escape from the police. It is a powerful electric shock delivering many voltages of electricity to the person involved.

You can read more about it in the link given. People rarely die from stun gun shocks unless you have a heart attack. Otherwise, it is relatively quite safe and used in the police arsenal of arms. In my local government here, the authorities have yet to purchase any stun gun for fear of misuse by the bad guys and in case it gets into the hands of the would-be robbers.

And I just read in the press that the government wants to make Malaysia the safest country in the world, but I wonder is that possible. Is it real and truthful reporting or just to boost the government image since the general election is coming.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Earning Online

It takes lots of motivation to consistently earn from the internet through paid post, writing gigs, micro jobs, etc. You have to always check for availability of work so that you can take up some of the offers that you can comfortably complete. So, you have to be diligent and even be prepared to take up small offers if there are no juicy ones available.

Monday, March 19, 2012

VPN Hosting Solution

I was a freelance website designer way back in 2001 when my second sister paid for hosting for my personal domain company where I offered web design and hosting services. You can check out vpn hosting solution by clicking on the link given. There are various packages to suit the different budgets and according to your affordability. Having an online presence is advisable especially considering that 11 million people are currently unemployed in Europe and 8.8 million jobs have been lost in USA since the financial debt crisis.

More Micro Jobs

Now I see some micro jobs and need to take them fast before they are finished from the system. Only the early bird catches the big worm, and likewise it is a similar situation here. I love working from home and it is easy peasy, though hectic and repetitive at times. I can type fast and this helps in taking paid blogging and writing articles for cash. Only the diligent will prosper.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I Love to Travel

For those of you who are travel bugs, you can check out University of travel, just by clicking in the link to find out more. Travelling is a luxury and not a necessity. Only the well heeled are able to travel and see the world without working for a moment. For those who are employed, they will have to apply for leave of absence to travel to exquisite places and widen their experiences. When you travel widely, you will have a wider exposure to the different cultures around the world and taste different cuisines.

Therefore, I love to travel whenever I have the time and money. And also my traveling partners need to arrange the time so that we can travel together for a more enjoyable experience.

So Much To Do

There is so much to do now. I have 2 invoices to create and email to clients for completed projects and quotations to send out. Monday is a very busy day for me, not forgetting that I have to do my own laundry too. Sunday is my rest day where I take complete break in my holiday apartment and go to church. Sunday is supposed to be Sabbath day where you need to rest and not work. God creating the world, people, animals, the stars, the universe and rested on Sunday, the 7th day.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Baixar Musicas

I am still in Kuala Lumpur and will return to Penang tomorrow. On the way back, will meet up with two clients in Manjung and Ipoh on Sunday. Today, as I log on the computer and surf around, I found this site - musicas para baixar. You can click on the link to find out more information about it. This food blog has in a way become general blog and I hardly have the time to post food photos anymore due to constant travelling and working at home on my full time job. It just takes up much time to do the things that I love to do.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Aloof Website Hosting

I used to offer web site designing and web site hosting way back in early 2001. I have a few clients from around the globe for my freelance services. You can check out Aloof - website hosting. The prices are quite reasonable and affordable. There are many companies offering website hosting and competing with each other for clients and customers.

Now I work at home and no longer offer website hosting as my current employment takes up much time and effort. You have to be diligent to be able to survive in a competitive world. It is even harder in the corporate world, but thank goodness, I now work alone in my home office.

I Love This Job

I have a good job which is to work at home with full benefits like EPF and SOCSO. I work in my pajamas since 2004 and have been riding the wave of success since then. I love this job and will never trade it for another one. I will work here till I retire which may be a few years down the road. It is not easy to earn online but I get some opps here and there. Just look around and you will find your source of income and nest egg. My designation is IT executive doing all administrative work, web site maintenance, etc.

Best PlayTech Casinos

It has been a long time since I visited Genting Highlands and enter the casinos. There are many game machines in the playtech casinos. It is one of the best playtech casinos in this region and punters from Asia and as far as China come here to enjoy the cool mountain air and to try their lady luck with playing the games machines. You can check out and click on the link given to find out more.

No longer do you have to dress up and travel to the nearest casino, but start playing at the stroke of the keyboard. Now how easy peasy can that be. Life has certainly changed for the better with the invention of the internet and computers. Business can be conducted in split seconds and you can start earning cash like huge corporations from the bedroom with internet connectivity.

Just Had Dinner

I just had dinner at Chinese Recreation Club and it was rather filling. I ordered crab meat stir fried with eggs and wrapped in Lettuce. Also had claypot chicken with salted fish and broccoli with scallops. The bill came to about $100 plus or so. Bear in mind that I don't always dine this well every day, but only once in a blue moon. As we are members of CRC, we come here often to check on the internet and emails and also to moonlight earning some revenue at every opportunity.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Money in Alert Pay

I have some cash in my AlertPay account for completing micro jobs online. Just yesterday, I ordered my AlertPay debit card for USD 20.00 plus or so which I will receive in 2 months time at the latest for countries outside USA. I had to scan my latest bill statement and my IC to email them for the confirmation. In the meantime, I will continue with the micro jobs so that the earnings will accummulate for withdrawal every month. 'Sedikit sedikit lama lama jadi bukit." The idiom means a bit at a time and it will become a hill. So, I am expecting my AlertPay debit card for ATM withdrawal of my US cash in May 2012 at the latest.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Moving Out

The Author of this post is Kory Dotson

I am moving next month, and have been overwhelmed trying to get everything together. Moving is so much work, and I haven’t done it in such a long time that I almost forgot. I sprung for movers this time so I wouldn’t have to do all the packing and moving myself, but there are still so many things to do. I didn’t want to move, but the owner of the house I’m renting is selling it, so I have no choice. I wish I had enough money to buy the house, because it is wonderful. The area is fun, and the house is in great condition. I have been renting it at a steal for a few years now. I already found another place to live, but it’s not nearly as nice, and it’s more expensive. I am trying to make myself feel better by looking for DIRECTV Special Packages and treating myself to one, but I don’t know if that will help. Maybe after a few months passes I will start to live my new place as much as I love this one.

Feeling So Sleepy

Now is quarter to eight in the morning but I am still feeling so sleepy. Perhaps it is due to the fast that I slept quite late last night, past midnight, as I was glued to a magazine - Personal Money that I bought yesterday. I conclude that this could also due to the fact that I work in a home office, so I tend to wake up later than usual and nap in between work. I hope my comfortable work in a home does not make me slothful and unmotivated. But with financial rewards, who can resist?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wine Gift Baskets infographic
Brought To By, Purveyors of Fine Wine and Champagne

Do you know that Jesus turned water into the best quality wine at a marriage feast in Canna? The guests had the best wine in years to come and they enjoyed their merry-making. Wine also has resveratrol which is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps to prevent cancer. Moreover, the slight alcohol content in wine aids in removing bad cholesterol and unclog the arteries. Hence, it helps prevent heart disease and is beneficial to the heart. You can check out Wine Gift Baskets if you are looking for a bottle of wine or more that is carefully packed in a basket for your family or friends.

Wine is usually drunk during commemorative and celebrative occasions like a wedding feast, graduation, promotion, Oscars gala night and any other form to 'yam seng' or 'bottoms up' with fellow friends, family and colleagues at a round dinner table. It is a form of social get together where loved ones and friends have a good chat after dinner and drink wine to wash all the food down.

My uncle who is a physician in Singapore used to drink a glass of wine every day until today and he still plays 18-hole golf every Sunday. He is now 95 years of age, still very healthy and able to walk long distances unaided.

Going to Kedah

This morning, I will be following my colleague to Kedah to meet up with a potential client for some projects. I was still slumbering away under my duvet in the air con room when I received the call to resend email to another client. So much for not keep track of emails! And he's supposed to be a bursar. All my emails are sent via gmail which is a very good email software, hence I can do a quick search for previously sent out emails.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Roulette Bonus

When I go to Genting Highlands with the biggest hotel of over 6,000 rooms in the world on a mountain top, I will always go in to the casinos and watch the punters busy with the games machines hoping to make money. If you play many rounds and are lucky, there will be a roulette bonus for your taking. We all live to make money - as much as we can possible do - so that our retirement will be rosy and golden and not having to beg in the streets like the hobos.

I am a Workaholic

Just like the Chinese culture, I am a workaholic. I must always find something profitable to do and not to laze around doing nothing. This is not enjoying life to me. I need to fully utilize the time and ability at the moment to gain financially be in it business or in virtual assistance. You can never be like a particular race which will always find excuses not to work and always expect handouts from the government lamenting that their race is poorer than other. But in the first place they are lazy, unmotivated and always play truant from their work place!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Internet Reputation Management

There is a company that I just found which offers internet reputation management. They are rather successful in their venture for clients the world over. But their charges can be quite astronomical and only large companies can consider hiring them as their name and brand are very important. Just check them out by clicking on the link above. They are quite established and the web site is well laid out.

Happily Blogging

I guess blogging is my hobby and something I do almost every day. There is financial incentive for doing so as well, besides keeping my blogs up to date. I love the freedom that it offers in the sense that I can blog what comes to mind, bearing in mind of the limited freedom as to what is appropriate to be posted and what is not. I try to blog on how I make income online and on food.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Contractor Calculator

I am working in the sports surfacing industry which is a blue ocean market - less competition and bigger slice of the economic cake to eat from. Compared to red ocean where competition is very keen and each competitor will try to outwit one another by slashing prices with better services like the food and beverage industry in Penang. In our job, we sometimes use Contractor Calculator to sum up the total amount that we need to pay our blue collar workers that are paid daily wages.

More Opps at Hand

I am feeling a bit sleepy now. Nevertheless, I need to keep my eyes wide awake to take up online blogging opps that are readily available now. Otherwise, it will be taken up by other people and I will miss the chance to blog about it and get paid. Luckily this blog is PR 1 and I will make sure there is interim non-paid posts in between the sponsored ones. I cannot have too many outgoing links.

Feather Locks Hair Extensions

I might just try out feather locks hair extensions just for fun. Who knows, I could go for pink colored ones to celebrate Valentine's day which falls today. It would match with the pink table cloth or pink roses. I just love to celebrate life. These are wishful thinking and may become a reality. Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day to all of you out there!

Happy Valentine's Day

Today is lovers' day - Valentine's Day - which falls on 14th February every year. Young couples and married ones celebrate this special day of bonding with romantic candlelight dinners at establishments, hand out crimson red roses in bouquets or in single stalks and make each other happy. Basically, it is a day where romance is celebrated the world over.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Acne Treatment

My second sister takes after my dad and she has more acne on her face even now in her early forties. If you have acne problems, you might like to check out acne treatment reviews and browse around for more information and how to treat your skin problems. It is no fun having acne break out on your skin with scarring. I am lucky to have good genes and don't have acne problems. But this is a real issue that some of the population face every day.

Life is a Blessing

So far, life has been a blessing for me. I have enough savings to last me a long time, a dream job to work at home, roof over my head, etc. I also get to earn a little pocket money online from the different websites. And I work in my pajamas. No more struggles, office politics, bad mouthing, etc. Life has turned 180 degrees for me and I never looked back. It is so much fun now - working hard and playing hard.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Storage Shed Plans

I was looking for blogging opportunities when I came across storage shed plans - where you can just click on the link - and find out more information. In a way, I also update my blog and this will kill two birds with one stone. Later on, I will check into Mandarin Oriental Hotel beside KLCC and stay there for the weekend and check out the next day. When I return to Penang from KL, there will be a friend's wedding dinner to attend.

The Internet has Lots of Opportunities

There are many opportunities to find via the internet. They are countless and you just need to look deeper to find them. From writing opps to blogging and doing micro jobs, you will always find something to do each day and earn a little extra. All these little earnings will add up to quite a substantial amount at the end of the month and you can request for payment when you hit the mininum USD 9.00 for micro jobs. As for writing articles, you can withdraw when you hit USD 10.00

Casual Dresses

Now I prefer to wear pants than casual dresses because it is easier to move around and to sit with more freedom instead of crossing your legs all the time. As I am a bit overweight, it is a bit difficult to cross my legs and hence, I prefer to wear pants for modesty. Besides, I look slimmer in dark pants and they lengthen my legs visually. But if you are slim even in your 50s, then casual dresses will enhance your style and look.

Lawyers don't make Good Business Men

Lawyers are too rigid and don't bend. They follow the law closely and will not hesitate to take legal action as the slightest mistake. Hence, they don't make good business men who run their business based on good will and friendship. To them, money is their God and they make use of people to love money instead of using money to love people. Hope you get the drift.


If you are obese, then you need to do simple exercises like jump rope workouts in the comfort of your home. It doesn't have to be costly by joining expensive gym memberships and find that you hardly have time to drive to the gym, exercise, wash up and then drive back. Sometimes, the gym strength stations may be occupied by other people leaving you with no choice but to try out other machines.

Working Hard

I am working hard at a home office to save up enough money for my retirement in years to come, barring any inflation effects. If the inflation rate is 4%, then using the rule of 72, it takes 18 years for your money to become half its value! Likewise, if the interests rate is 6%, then using the rule of 72, it takes 12 years for your money to double its initial amount. There are many ways to make money online and you need to check out good forums to learn more.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Reliable Web Hosting

At the end of 2000, I came back to Penang after 6 years in Singapore to rest and recuperate from all the work stress. After one year of surfing around and learning how to build web sites, I started to offer reliable web hosting with web designing services. I was able to make a little here and there and by chatting with people for work and business. But at the end of it all, I was chatting more than earning and my internet fees overtake my income many times more that I had to start looking for a job outside. Well, suffice to say, I am back to working in my home office and earning a good income.

Internet Cash Cow

The internet is full of opportunities to make money online. Just browse around for the sites that require articles to get paid. There are also plenty of micro jobs around to complete on a daily basis. They come and go as soon as they are available. Just select those that pay the most or the ones that you are comfortable of doing and completing to get paid. The amount varies according to your page rank, and your writing skills.

Came upon a web site

This morning, I was browsing through the web sites and came across Kruiswoordpuzzel Woordenboek where you can click on the link to find out more information. The internet is my lifeline to earn an income and where I work at a home office for my full time employment with a sports surfacing company in Malaysia. I also freelance part time during my free hours to write articles, do some simple micro jobs and paid blog posts.

Earning from Micro Jobs

Today, as I check the system, I found a few micro jobs that I can complete easily. As they are micro jobs, hence the payment are also miniscule too and paid in US currency. So this converts nicely for me for about 3 times to my local currency. These are jobs that can be completed in a jiffy and to earn quickly and cash out soon when you hit USD 9+ or so. It will be paid to my Alert Pay account, something which I have yet to withdraw all my cash.

Multi Car Insurance

I still have 2+ more years to go to finish paying my car loan of 7 years. I took the longest duration to pay back but it also means more interests in the long run. You can check out multi car insurance if you have several cars just like my household. We have 4 cars - one car for each member. In Penang or rather in Malaysia, if you don't own a car, you cannot move around as we don't have MRT system unlike Singapore.

2 sisters in Jogjakarta

Yesterday, my 2 younger sisters flew to Jogjakarta in Indonesia to see Borubodor, an ancient temple of epic proportions. As I could not walk long distances, I did not go. You need to be fit and able to walk very long to look around and to enjoy the trip fully. It is not easy when you walk with a slight limp due to numbness of the foot. I hope to visit Shanghai in June or July this year together with them and try the bullet train.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Spoiled Boyfriend

Thanks for the guest post by Esteban Vinson

My boyfriend just bought his first house and he is being so annoying about everything. I only want the best for him, and his irresponsibility worries me. He was raised very wealthy and is very spoiled. His parents bought him this house without any strings attached, and he does not know how to take care of it. When I try to give him suggestions about safety and maintenance he balks. He says I shouldn’t be worried about it because it’s none of my business. The other day we had a huge fight because I suggested he get a home security system from home security family. He got defensive and made it seem like I was trying to get involved in his family’s personal business. I’m guessing I should take the hint that he’s not very serious about me and move on. I’m just trying to be helpful since he seems clueless about what he’s doing. He’ll realize how right I am when something bad happens. It doesn’t really matter anyways. I don’t think I could end up with some spoiled brat for the long haul. His behavior would drive me crazy!

Rich Children are Spoilt Brats

Indeed rich kids are spoilt brats. Why do I say this? Because during a CNY dinner table, they are not motivated to look for a job immediately upon graduation. They rather wait and bum at home doing nothing while looking for that perfect job! That's because they don't want to be bullied at work!! Common, where in this earth is a job where you don't get bullied. Hello, you have to earn your respect in the work place and not hope that you don't get bullied. Your boss pays you for your time to do a job conscientiously.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Just Came Back from Hatyai

I came back from Hatyai last night where we spend 3 days 2 nights during Chinese New Year. There were 2 golden dragons in the streets which were closed for the performance near our hotel. Since coming back, I have checked this site for annuity rates and you can click on the link. At the moment, my finances are in order and looking not too bad.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Now in Kuala Lumpur

I am now in Kuala Lumpur for business. Visited a few clients and collected some payment. My job of nature is such that I am required to travel frequently between Penang and KL - at least once a month. Other than that, I normally work in my home office in Penang. At last, I have a dream job to work in a home office wearing my pajamas and saving lots of money on petrol. Sometimes, I have time for other micro jobs online to earn a little extra. And blogging is part of it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Trazim zenu

Općenito, online dating industriji je boomed u nedavnoj prošlosti. To je zato što više ljudi sada imaju pristup velike brzine širokopojasnog nego ikad prije, a nalaz je lakše dobiti online. Osim toga, više ljudi može biti zamoran i bar sceni i vjeruju da oni stoje bolje šanse za dobivanje dobru utakmicu kada ide online. Kao rezultat toga, online dating industriji sada vrijedi preko 1 milijarde dolara svake godine. To je čak i veći od porno industrije i mnogi u porno industriji online dating krivi za oštar pad svojih prihoda. Čak i mobilni iz tržišta raste i sada vrijedi više od 550 milijuna dolara godišnje, ali se očekuje da će biti vrijedan 1,3 milijarde dolara do 2013. Sve to novac dolazi iz približno 239 dolara da svaki kupac troši svake godine pokušava pronaći g. ili gđa pravo.

Međutim, nisu svi ljudi koji su na online dating web stranice su zapravo u potrazi za ljubavi. Istraživanja pokazuju da jedan od deset korisnika scammers. Istraživanje također pokazuje da nisu svi uspješni kada je u pitanju pronalaženje svoje srodnu dušu. Jedan od deset korisnici će napustiti dating site u roku od tri mjeseca.

S druge strane, kada je utakmica je napravio, to tendira da bude dobar. Prosječna udvaranja za on-line odnos je 18,5 mjeseci, dok je 42 mjeseci za parove koji su pronašli jedni druge bez korištenja interneta.

Naravno, jedan od najvećih problema o dating online je da ne morate biti potpuno iskreni o sebi. U online svijetu, ljudi imaju tendenciju da laže o svojim godinama, visine i prihoda. Žene, s druge strane, imaju tendenciju da se lagati o svojim težina, fizička graditi i dobi. Međutim, većina online daters kažu da privlači netko drugi, jer oni imaju zajedničke interese. U međuvremenu, samo 49% korisnika kažu da odluče susresti nekoga na temelju te osobe obilježja od fotografija ili videa.

Prošle godine, više od 17% brakova bili su rezultat odnosa koji je počeo na internetu. Kako sve više ljudi okreću internetu, to je trend koji će se nastaviti u godinama koje dolaze. To će biti vrijedan više u budućnosti i nadamo se, tu će biti puno budućih brakova i ljubavi veze, kao dobro.

Check out Trazim zenu i Poznanstva srbija za više informacija.

The Opps are Too Attractive

This blog now has more paid posts from the various programs that pay for sponsored posts. Now I hardly have time to process my food pictures and this is why you see more short posts without any pics recently. I have taken lots of photos of the various food photos during my dining experience but just don't have the time to upload them here. Perhaps one day I will find the time to do so. In the meantime, I am taking up micro offers from a program on this blog with a personal domain and Page Rank of 1.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Locksmith in Miami

I hate to travel alone and prefer to have someone with me seated in the front passenger car seat. This way, I feel much safer with another person or helper. But if you have to travel alone and left your car keys inside your locked car, then you can contact Locksmith in Miami for the car door unlocking services. The professional car door picking does not have to burn a hole in your pocket and it can be done in a jiffy. Very soon, you can access your car and drive back home.

Gone are the Days of Lucrative Blogging

The year was 2006 - 2007 when I earned the most from paid posts. Now there are still opportunities but they are considered micro jobs and hence, micro earnings. Gone are the days of lucrative earnings. Now I have to be contented with meagre income, otherwise there will be no more oasis to drink water from. The desert is getting dryer with smaller oasis to drink from.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sensa Reviews

I was browsing through the internet and came across a diet that helps to reduce weight which was developed by a medical doctor and researched for years. Check out sensa reviews for more information. As an aside, I need to lose some weight due to too much good food and lack of exercise because I just hate to exercise. That's because I will have to sweat it out and then need to shampoo my hair twice with shampoo and hair conditioner after each exercise.

Went to 3 banks today

I just had a rest after going to 3 banks today. The first was Standard Chartered bank to withdraw my money and put into Public Bank to pay for my house renovation and then to RHB bank to put into my fixed deposits with free gifts like a Tupperware sandwich box and glass paper weight. Now feeling quite tired from the long waiting but I had already taken my short nap. So now it is back to work and doing some micro jobs for money.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Paul Mitchell Flat Iron

My hair is very long now and needs to be straightened with Paul Mitchell Flat Iron or also known as re-bonding. I also need to dye it dark brown to cover the streaks of white hair. If I don't do re-bonding, it will look wild and unkempt. That's because I have curly hair due to the oval hair follicles. Had it been round like my sister's, then it will always be straight and smooth - without any need for a straight perm. I dislike going to the hair saloon because it can take the whole day and use up much time doing nothing but sitting and waiting for my turn.

Feeling quite Sleepy

I am a bit tired this morning. I woke up at 6:30am to check on my iPad 2 some sites and my email account. Had planned to watch a movie last night but dropped it as there was Borders book store with Starbucks coffee joint and large comfortable sofas to read a good magazine. That was how I spent my evening there. Had free high tea at 1885 restaurant in E & O and we used up the voucher before it expires the end of this month. Looking back, life has been good but it could have been better.