
Showing posts with label Services. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Services. Show all posts

Friday, January 24, 2014

VPN service

I just came back from lunch today which is a Saturday afternoon. Had plenty of work this morning doing printing and typing of quotations in Word and Excel format. Sometimes, I think my boss needs to hire an extra help and assist me in my work. Otherwise, everything piles up on me and when he is in a foul mood, then beware. You just cannot please everyone and never raise the expectations of your boss if possible. In the meantime, you can check out Disappear VPN service, which I happen to surf around this morning and to you click to check out more information. Tomorrow will be pun choy and free yee sang for dinner at Xuan Xin together with my family. We decided to book early to avoid the Chinese New Year rush where all tables will be fully booked by then. Also got some mandarin oranges in a big carton of box for the New Year.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Drug Risk

If possible, never try drugs at all costs. It is not worth your health status and once you try drugs, you will get addicted to them. This is not something to test for fun. Not at all! You should realize by now that DrugRisk is bad for you and if you check out the link given here, you will know why. There is a legal firm handling drug risk from people consuming medications that are risky as prescribed by the doctors.

For one, you will never know the side effects until years of consumption taken from a wide number of people for the statistics. It might be hard to prove the risk in the beginning until there is patient feedback later on.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Smoky Mountain Cabin Rentals

Sometimes I work too hard and I think I need a good long break like escaping to a mountain resort and find out more about smoky mountain cabin rentals. As an employee, you have to learn to manage your boss and this is something that should be acquired when you are employed. Nobody wants to work like a donkey, not getting appreciated but being abused verbally for the slightest mistake. When you do a good job, this will raise the expectations of your superior and that is where more problems come in. Unless of course, you are your own boss, calling the shots. Otherwise, it is no point working too fast as you are not a machine. I am looking forward to my retirement soon and hope that my savings will be sufficient to tide me through my golden years.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Online Reputation Management

Whatever you do on the internet such as Facebook postings, twittering, etc will be known worldwide. Hence it is important to have online reputation management. If you rant your feelings on the internet, it may affect your future employment as potential employers may check out the internet about you before hiring anyone. Therefore, it is better to be safe than sorry later on. You should practice self-censorship at all times so that your dirty linen will not be washed in public. And never ever take nude photos of yourself with your lover, no matter how much you love him or her. This could be used as an effective blackmail tool when the relationship sours.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pradaxa Bleeding Lawsuit

I work in a home office and am blessed with this special job catered to people with my condition. Actually, with my medical condition, I cannot hold on to any employment outside, but my cousin has blessed me with a home office job to do secretarial work and to update his company web site. Prior to discovering this condition, I have had my share to working outside from a bank, to schools and MNCs. It was tough striking it out in the corporate world, but this is the survival of the fittest.

I was also browsing through the web sites this morning when I came across pradaxa bleeding lawsuit and you can click on the link to find out more information. This special job that is catered just for me since February 2004 works very well for a win-win basis for both employer and employee. It would be hard to find this type of work elsewhere in the secular world and I consider it a miracle to have found this special employment just to suit my capabilities.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


In my youth, I recall spending time watching Cartoon on the telly and get entertained for hours on end. It was funny and hilarious. The animations were just superb. Now with 3D technology, the pictures and animations are even better! But you have to wear 3D glasses for the special 3D effect in the cinemas. There are also 3D technology televisions but they are still very costly at this point in time. Nevertheless, it will be some years before every household owns a 3D telly at home. I love how innovation makes our lives so much easier and livelier. Thanks to researchers and scientists, our lives have improved by leaps and bounds.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Yaz Litigation

I used to work for an aunt who is an attorney and solicitor in Singapore. She has her own office in the business district of Shenton Way. I was just a temporary secretatry while looking for a permanent job elsewhere. So, to tide over, she employed me on a temp basis and this is where I learnt a bit about her law business. She was doing mainly conveyancing law, that is sales and purchase agreements of properties which is very lucrative as compared to doing yaz litigation.

But nevertheless, whatever area of law you are doing, it is service to the nation as a whole and you can never discount the contribution to society. People at large need litigation for criminal law to defend their cases in court. You will need someone articulate and gung-ho, with the ability to convince the person is innocent and fight for his case in a civil lawsuit.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Welcome to

Your online reputation is very important, so don't spoil it by doing the wrong things via the internet. People can find out easily and this can affect your employment opportunities in the near future. You need to keep your Facebook, Twitter account free from bad-mouthing others or worse still, complain about your current employer. Hey, it is not the place to rant your pent up feelings, whatever the cause. You can check out about and BBB, the acronym for Better Business Bureau, simply by clicking on the link given here.

There are some information to read up on and to safeguard your internet reputation. Just play by the rules and you won't get into trouble. The internet is not the place to rave and rant about your emotions or anger. There are proper channels for this, but never use the internet as the medium to wash dirty linen in public. Stay safe, don't do things that you will regret later. If the damage is done, it will be too late and cannot be restored.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I Don't Smoke

I am against smoking and everyone in my family are non-smokers. I will always try to avoid the cigarette smoke spewing from the smokers and even hold my breath as I walk past them. Inhalation of cigarette smoke is known as secondary smoking and it is just as harmful. But now, there is a new invention and you can check out electronic cigarette prices if you cannot kick the habit. In the first place, don't start smoking or just to try for the fun of it. You might get hooked and find it difficult to stop this habit. Too many people just die of lung cancer when they should be enjoying their golden years during retirement.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Yaz Class Action Lawsuit

You don't want to get into yaz class action lawsuit, especially after accusing your employee over something trivial when you come to work 1 hour late every other day! You want to shift the blame game on some other innocent people so that your faults are not highlighted! So, this is all very funny! Wait till bad karma falls on you like a tonne of bricks - now you can barely feed yourself, no money for retirement and your dog starves like crazy. Maybe the action lawsuit is just what you need for sabotaging other people's lives. Beware, it comes around like a boomerang to the perpetrators!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Clovis carpet cleaners

I just reached KL at 2:30am this morning and now still feeling the effects of grogginess. This place does not have any carpets which requires minimal maintenance. But for those of you with carpets at home, you might like to check out Clovis carpet cleaners, by clicking on the link to find out more information. In the meantime, I take away Subway sandwich and chicken soup for my lunch today as I won't be going out. Not sure about my dinner and it depends on when my colleague can come back from site so that I will have the use of the car. Hope to go to Sunway Pyramid and see the awesome Christmas decos.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Spencer Philip Jensen

Well, you might like to know about a young and handsome eligible bachelor known as Spencer Philip Jensen. He is an economist by profession and works in a local bank in the US. After graduation, Jensen did not have the luxury to go for an European holidays unlike his peers and started working immediately the moment he left the varsity. Citibank took him in based in his good academic results in the previous years and hence, he got his first employment.

To cut to the chase, well, he graduated with honors and was happy to keep his job at Citibank earning an above average pay for a fresh graduate. He is now scouting to buy a small apartment near his work place and hopes to find the right girl friend to settle down soon.

With his credentials and good working attitude and relations with all his colleagues, this guy will go far in life and make a good life partner to whoever he marries.

Friday, October 26, 2012


Guitars are very popular musical instruments for any picnic or party. They are portable and can be easily carried around. Unlike large, heavy pianos or organs where you need to connect to electricity, guitars can be strummed on the spot during any gatherings. Christian worship leaders love strumming the guitar while leading in the Sunday worship service. Guitars can also be used for any cell groups, when they meet up weekly in the hosts' homes. In fact, I have an old guitar somewhere in my house which was on loan by my cousin many years ago.

I can play simple songs picking on the guitar strings. This song is very sentimental to me and I will play on it to make music to de-stress while studying in Singapore. Those were my student days when all we ever think about was to pass exams with flying colours.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rebecca Leeb

Rebecca Leeb is a pretty young lady with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She just graduated in Accounting from Monash University in Australia and is currently looking for a job. With her attractive physical attributes, she will have no problem in landing a good paying job of her choice.

She is smart, talented, yet humble. Her down to earth character wins her many friends in her social network.

Statistics have shown that men prefer women with black and brown hair over women with blonde hair. The social networking site Badoo conducted a survey on 2,000 men, which asked men about their inclination towards women on the basis of their physical appearance.

As per the data of the survey, above 60% men liked women with black and brown hair, whereas, only 29.5% men were attracted to women with blonde hair.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Michael W. Leroy

There was once a man by the name of Michael W. Leroy, who is a devout Catholic and stays near his church. He is active in church, serving as a lector and photographer at the same time. He has 2 smart daughters who are also fellow Catholics like him.

They also serve in the same church as fellow lectors, who will go up to the pulpit to read the Bible scriptures for the day during Church service. Both his daughters are blessed in their own rights, single and unmarried. They are financially independent and do not need a partner to support them.

Well, their father is still alive and kicking. He also serves in Little Sisters of the Poor as a volunteer there. As a retiree, he gets a monthly pension from the government, being retired from the civil service as a former school teacher. Michael W. Leroy is indeed very blessed with good health, wealth and smart daughters.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Pradaxa Side Effects

If you encounter any of pradaxa side effects, well simply just click on the link given to read up and find out more about it, when the browser loads up. Some medication give side effects that may be harmful to your health and it is therefore your responsibility to find out more from the doctor or pharmacist before purchase.

Some medication help you put on more weight while others may cause other side effects. Whatever it is, always check with your physician or pharmacist prior to consumption. Never take everything for granted and that the medication will work well on you without any side effects. Your health is your wealth!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Buy Blog Posts

If you would like to get high traffic, then it makes good financial sense to buy blog posts. The posts will be added to many blogs instantly and you can get high Page Rank juice if you have more incoming links for your site. Traffic brokers are very well aware of this, hence they will search online for blogs with good traffic to place their blog posts or their clients' blog posts.

The internet is a hive of activity and keeps changing. Many people are able to make use of the internet as a cash cow and to milk from the internet. They work comfortably in their home office that is equipped with internet connectivity, computer or laptop. There are millions of readers and browsers every day, and these people are hungry for something to read.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Youth Wealth and Wellness

When you have kids who grow up in their adolescents, you need to ensure their wealth and wellness through Humira Orencia El Paso Tx. Just click on the links given to find out more information. Who knows, this might just be the solution for your kids.

You need to ensure their wealth by putting aside some savings every month in their bank accounts and teach them the value of money and how to spend within their means. Afterall, wealth can only be created if you spend less than you earn!

So, in the meantime, check out Humira Orencia El Paso Tx and maybe even bookmark it.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Property Management Brickell

Everyone needs a roof over their heads like owning or renting properties such as an apartment, condominium, terrace house, semi-detached double storey house, bungalow, etc. You can check out Property Management Brickell if you wish to buy or rent an apartment in your area like Miami, Florida.

Just check out the details below:

Azure Realty Group12573
Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, FL
(786) 208-7004

I was browsing through the internet and came across the links above where you can click and read to find out more information. With the internet, everything becomes global and borderless and it is good for everyone else with an internet connectivity.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Replace Hot Water Heater

I was browsing through the web site when I came across replace hot water heater. You can click on the link given and read it to find out more information. Today, I just received a very thick manual about the terms and conditions for opening a franchise business which is a small restaurant.

The business looks good but it is all about location. Opening a franchise restaurant business in the right location will prosper the owner but it takes lots of careful consideration before parting with the franchisee fees.