
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Car Loan Affordability

I am currently paying off my car loan of 7 years tenure with 3 more years to go. You can check out car loan affordability by clicking on the link given. So far my new car is an investment in itself. It never breaks down and can transport me safely from one place to another. It is also automatic which makes driving a cruise. I don't have to strain my left leg from pressing the clutch for too long in a snarling traffic jam unlike the old manual cars.

Loving my Work

I love my work at home office very much. For most people, the definition of JOB is Just Over Broke. But for me it is Joy On Board! This is one of the best things that have happened to my professional life and career. I also get paid commissions from the projects that I bring in via my web site or by visiting clients. This is my full time job in a soho or small office home office.

And being able to type fast helps a lot too. I can also moonlight writing articles in my free time for some extra pocket money. I love this dream job of mine since February 2004 until now and will continue to many more years to come.

Monday, December 26, 2011

After Christmas

Today is the 27th December 2011 and it is just a few days before the end of the year of the rabbit. I love rabbits as they are tame and cuddly. After all the hullabaloo, it is finally over and closing of a year. A year has gone by so quickly just as it came. I have sent out all the calendars for the business which I do every year end. I will be 1 year older or wiser as the months pass us by. Time certainly flies and my uncle has just passed away. I did not attend the funeral as I was in KL.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is in 2 days time and I cannot wait as I will be taking a break and go somewhere to chill out. This is time to enjoy and relax from the pursuits of financial rewards. It is time to enjoy the fruits of your labour and to rejuvenate from all the hustle and bustle of modern living. I also cannot wait for my new apartment to complete and perhaps stay there as a holiday home or to rent out for my retirement savings. Now I am spending a lot of my own pocket money on the renovation and this will take some time.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Magic of Making Up

As a couple you not only need to forgive 10 times but 77 times 7 which means forgive all the time if you can to keep the relationship going and strong. This is the Magic Of Making Up and for a lifelong relationship that lasts a lifetime. It is heartwarming to see couples way past their nineties still together in their golden years and enjoying each other's company. The best thing in life that can happen to you is not your graduation but to be in a good company with someone that you love dearly.

So Busy These Days

I am so busy these days. Yesterday was at my new apartment for the whole day waiting for the kitchen cabinet and air-con to be installed and today will be there again for the fixing of plumbing work and installation of the cornice to cover the black ugly air-con tubing. My hall cabinet was also fixed. There will be more work to be done at my apartment as for now. So I have already bought lunch for myself and dad to go there today again and we have to eat in while waiting for the workers to complete their jobs.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Medical Scrubs

It is so easy to spend money but difficult to earn cash. Many people are living from paycheck to paycheck for those who are employed. Times are difficult coupled with the Eurozone debt crisis. But the Yuletide season has arrived and is barely 1 week away. It is time for some gifts for loved ones and friends. If you are in the procurement department of the hospital, then you might like to consider this link >> where they sell scrubs for men and other medical uniforms of various designs.

I will be taking a break during Christmas and go somewhere nearby to chill out. I think I deserve a good break from the daily chores and labor working in a home office. It is time for some celebration and to usher in the new year. It will be the end of the year of the rabbit which is my friend's year in a 12-year cycle. I love rabbits and have carried them before to take photos for posterity in Bukit Tinggi which is a mountain resort like Genting Highlands.

As I reminiscence the whole year, well, I have been to Hong Kong, Macau and Shenzhen and Hatyai this year. I also travelled by plane to Terengganu and Kuantan, both destinations taking Firefly airlines. I have been to Kuala Lumpur numerous times for business and it is only a few days to go before the end of the year comes.

Spent USD 997, USD 447 and another USD 994 online

I think I burnt my salary and spend more than I thought. Attended a webinar and got 'conned' into parting with so much cash via the internet. They have already warned me not to tell anyone about this venture of making epic money online and I guess not telling my parents got me 'cheated' in this bull shit scam. And to recommend a host for you, they charged you an arm and a leg at USD 447. I should learn to be contented and not be greedy on this matter!

Friday, December 16, 2011

No Win No Fee

Wouldn't it be nice that you don't pay if there is such as a no win no fee policy amongst lawyers? Yes, that is true! Just click on the link and you will see the services of a law firm that does not accept payment if you don't win. This is a win-win basis for everyone involved. As long as you don't get your compensation in court, you don't have to come up with legal charges and fees.

Lost My Lobster Thermidor Photos

I took a few photos of my recent dining at a seafood jaunt by the seaside and ordered lobster thermidor of 1kg plus vegetables and noodles. Unfortunately while transferring my photos from the digital camera to the computer, it was accidentally deleted together with the sports projects photos. Hence I have to go on site again to snap the photos and upload to the web site. So much hassle for a simple mistake.

Satellite Navigator Reviews Site

As I took up an opportunity, I came across this sat nav reviews - This website is un-biased when it comes to the various makes and model of GPS devices that are available in the UK today. My company uses the Garmin GPS very often as we travel in Kuala Lumpur to meet up with new clients in different places all over town. It is very helpful with voice navigation to guide us while driving. There is also a side picture to show the distance in real time as you approach a junction.

Some Micro Jobs Today

Today is a Saturday morning and I have some micro jobs to complete. These are my personal pursuits apart from my full time job. They create constant income for me and I am pleased to get the opportunity to blog about it. They pay about USD 50 cents a piece, much lower that what I used to get from other programs which are all dried up now. So, with this opportunity, I will take them up soon as they are available online.

Interest Only Mortgage

I took up an interest only mortgage when I bought my apartment some years back. Now, it is almost ready with furniture to be moved in and air con plus curtains installed. By next year, it should be ready and my sisters can stay together with my parents over the weekend. It has a swimming pool and gym on the 5th floor. There are many other restaurants also moved in and renovated their premises with big budget.

Back from Kuala Lumpur

I was in Kuala Lumpur recently and came back last night. Met up with 4 different people during my stay there. Also woke up at around 5:00am or so to do some office work like typing quotations, invoices, etc. It rained dogs and cats along the highway and there were 2 accidents that we witnessed on our way back. There will always be accidents on the highway whenever it rains. So we always take precaution by driving even slower so that the break works well on the slippery roads.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sports Betting Site

There is a sports Betting site where you can click to try your lady luck in the hopes of winning some money. But to throw caution here, not many people will win in this situation. It is only a handful of lucky gamers who will bring back the money. For the majority, well, at least they tried. More often than not, the system is such that the probability of you winning is less than the company making money out of you. So, you have been forewarned about this already. Don't say that I did not tell you beforehand.

Dream Job

I have a dream job to work from home and am not ashamed to say so. In fact I am proud to be given the talents to work effectively from a home office or anywhere with internet connectivity. I love to take up paid opportunities now and then as I search for them in the internet. This is like milking the internet which is my cash cow. And I save little by little which will accumulate to a lot later on. It is counting my small blessings every day and adding up to my pocket money each month. I will post more food photos when I return to Penang from Kuala Lumpur where I am now for business purposes.

Hot Deals

Christmas is just around the corner, and less than 2 weeks away. I will be going to Genting Highlands to chill out and take a break from work. This is the season to be merry and jolly. It is also time to check out hot deals from the internet and buy Christmas gifts for your loved ones and friends. Now I see a few sales assistants in Sunway Pyramid wearing reindeer horns and Santa's red cap. People are getting their year end bonuses and splurging on gifts for themselves and their families. There is more disposable income this time around and that is why you see many shoppers in shopping malls in December which co-insides with the school holidays.

More Micro Jobs

There are some more micro jobs for me by milking the internet which is my cash cow. These are opportunities that pays you a fixed amount for the tasks that you complete online. As long as you qualify the requirements, you can take up the opportunities and get paid. Anyone can do it easily. Sometimes it is a no brainer type of tasks. As for me, I take up quite a few of the paid posts opportunities using my blogs with page rank of at least 1. I am happy to be able to participate in such tasks and earn some pocket money for myself.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Annuity Rates

Before I retire, I might just compare the various annuity rates from the different policies so that my retirement years will be golden with a monthly income to spend until I meet my maker in heaven. You need to start early and check out before it is too late. This is to ensure that your retirement will be golden years and not woeful years begging in the streets like a vagrant. You also need to have close relations with your kids so that they will take care of you in your old age.

Kitchen Splashback

I was browsing around the web sites when I came across kitchen splashback where you can just click on the link given to find out more about it. It is one of my sources of information by browsing through web sites and being connected to the internet which has produced many millionaires who work from their humble home office to begin with. Now the government has allowed employees to work from their homes and not commute to work anymore for jobs like draughting and those that you can comfortably complete with a computer.

The Benefits of Working at Home

I have been working from my home office since February, 2004. There are many benefits of working from home. You don't have to earn pittance working from home but lots of money doing part time work in your free time. The benefits are plenty like saving money from commuting to work, savings on office attire and makeup, time from waiting in traffic jams, etc. Since I can type quite fast and have learnt how to use the proper keystrokes on the keypad, I work quite efficiently with my laptop. And working from home is a blessing to many people like me.

Glazing Systems

I am currently adding more furniture to my new apartment and may look for glass contractor to add Glazing systems or do other renovation work. Just last month, I designed my own built-in furniture for the living room, study room and 2 bedrooms and got a quotation from a local contractor. But he quoted way above the market rate and I cannot afford it. So, I decided to buy ready-made furniture and have them delivered right to my doorsteps. They are cheaper and classier with practical designs.

I Love my JOB

I love my full time job working at a home office. For some people the definition of JOB is Just Over Broke. As for me, it is Joy On Board! I can work anytime of the day and keep looking for new jobs to complete online and get paid instantly. My full time job is working as an IT executive for a sports surfacing company while I also moonlight par time doing paid posts and writing articles. The money earned is sufficient to pay for the bills and internet connectivity each month. This is God's blessings upon my life now.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Bad Credit Mortgages

With the US sub-prime financial crisis in 2008 and the Eurozone debt problems, the world may be heading toward a recession next year. And if you have bad credit mortgages, you can check out the link given for more information and how to redeem yourself from financial woes. Now a lot of countries in debt are turning to China to be their savior and to loan them money as China is now cash rich - very rich indeed due to international trade. It is now the second biggest economy just after USA and is targeted to overtake the USA in a few years to come.

Making Money Online is Possible

Making money online is possible. You just need to be patient and diligent in looking for it. The internet is like your cash cow where you can milk it every other day. From USD 50 cents a day to more, you can slowly accumulate until you hit your target. It is like a full time job where you have to work consistently and not give up. I am happy to have found my niche and source of income here. This is additional pocket money for me and for saving up towards rainy days. Now my time is profitably spend online with more jobs to complete.

Personal Injury Solicitors

My third aunt was formerly an advocate and a solicitor with her own office in Shenton Way in Singapore. It is the business district where all the offices and government buildings are located. If you need help, you can check out personal injury solicitors to make a claim for you in court. Now my aunt is retired and happily enjoying her retirement with lots of money to spend as she is single with no family commitment. I used to spend a lot of time with her including working on a temporary basis for her as her legal secretary in her office. She paid me reasonably well, but that was in the past.

This Blog has a Page Rank of 1

I am happy that after continuous blogging, this blog has a page rank of 1. Which means that I can accept opportunities and get paid. You might notice that recently, I have posted a lot of short posts that are not related to food. That's because I am generating a revenue from my efforts, regardless of the payment. To me, something earned is better than nothing at all and most of the campaigns are dried up like the desert. So whenever you see a small oasis, quickly grab the opportunity before it disappears.

Bunk Beds

I have attended an international girl guides camp in Douglas Scrub, Adelaide, South Australia way back in 1986. It was my very first trip to a foreign country. It was an eye-opening experience that I will not forget. We did not sleep on bunk beds but in sleeping bags inside huge tents. The weather was very cold and chilly outside as it was near winter at that time. But I love traveling in the plane as it took off and landed safely. My parents sponsored my trip at that time when I was a student and now I can well afford my own trips and holidays overseas.

Making Money is Not Easy

Making money is difficult as most of us know. But spending money is liken to drinking water. That is why, we need to make a concerted effort to save up as much as we can so that our money will last us a lifetime. We need to be financially independent and not rely on other people for cash in our old age. We should endeavor to save up more if possible considering that inflation will reduce the value of paper money over time. The trick is to beat the rate of inflation which is hovering around 4% per annum.

Chicago Auto Insurance Quotes

So far, my family has 4 cars in the garage with 2 parked in the porch and 2 more parked in the public lane beside our house. One each for my parents, one for me and one for my youngest sister. All our cars are insured and we got them by checking out chicago auto insurance quotes. It is good to have your cars insured so that whenever there is an accident, you can be sure that the insurance company will pay for it and you save money in the long run.

Meeting up with a Sports Coach Later

Later this evening, I will follow my boss to meet up with a sports coach in Sungai Petani, Kedah for potential projects that he will bring to us. It will be around 2:00pm. We have known the coach for quite some time now and have previously met up with him at The Curve in Kuala Lumpur where Nicol David was playing squash and won the match at that time. I get to witness her splendid performance for free. She is the darling of Malaysian squash bringing dignity and name to my country.


I am in the midst of preparing to furnish my new apartment with tch Furniture and have paid $1,399.00 for an L-shaped furniture which is to arrive after Christmas. My kitchen cabinets are settled, dining table and chairs are paid including bedroom set also purchased. I also bought a 32-inch LCD television and hall cabinet. The lights are also paid in full and now waiting for the installer to come and install the lights for all the rooms and a door bell outside. I cannot wait for my apartment to be fully furnished so that I can chill out during the evenings and perhaps rent it out one day for some income.

Multiple Sources of Income

I have a few sources of income. They are mainly from my full time job working in a home office and also from my portfolio income which includes my Fixed Deposits, Bonds and Gold Passbook Account with Public Bank. On average, I get more than $1,000.00 from my portfolio income, doing nothing at all. This is much better than investing in the share market where you have to know the PE ratios and read lots of financial books and news to know what to invest and sell. At least I know I can sleep peacefully at night and that my money is secure and will increase slowly but surely over time.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Seo Lincoln

You might like to know that Seo Lincoln offers premier SEO services for your blogs and web sites. They use various techniques to create buzz and awareness of your business or web sites so that the world will know your products and services. It does not have to be expensive and could be very affordable. Count this as a form of investment for your online ventures.

SEO Training Videos

As a general rule, you need to allocate one third of your budget for website development, one third for search engine optimization and promotion or advertisement and the final one third for web site maintenance. You can check out seo training videos on how to promote and optimize your web sites for the search engines. This is abbreviated at SEO.

I was a freelance web designer and learnt all my skills by joining an active forum where all the web designers come together and help each other out. Milking the internet is possible if you are equipped with the right skills and have prior training.

Moonlighting at Home

Besides holding a full time job in my home office, I also moonlight now and then by writing articles, rewriting them, signing up for programmes, and doing paid blog posts. I also offer virtual assistance working as an online secretary and doing internet research work. Just the last month, I was paid USD 250 for 25 hours of work at USD 10 per hour from a client in Australia. He was a businessman travelling frequently and he contacted me directly from a VA web site. I don't have to pay anything or bid with fellow competitors as in oDesk or eLance web sites.

This is my additional source of income from the internet. It is like cash cow to me where I milk the internet very often to save up for my retirement down the road.

Health Insurance

I am a firm believer of buying health insurance. This is because I received a lump sum payment for my health condition from my CPF or Central Provident Fund account from an insurance company in Singapore. My doctor wrote a detailed report that was convincing and in the end, they remitted the funds into my account after much deliberation. I am blessed with financial matters and I now work comfortably from my home office while staying with my parents.

Currently, I now have 4 different insurance policies which I pay monthly for around $700 or so. Some of them are endowment plans while others are purely life insurance plans. Both my younger sisters are also well insured and my second sister has gone for a foot operation - all fully paid for by her health insurance company including some bonus as a reward.

Working in My Home Office

I am happy to say that I have been working successfully from my home office since February 2004. And the best part is that my boss found me from the internet. He is also my fellow citizen and is now my business partner. Initially it started out as he being my web site client and I charged him quite reasonable rates for his 15-page web site. He paid me promptly and that is how we progressed from there.

My home office is equipped with a laptop computer that I work on every day, a desktop computer as a spare computer, a LCD monitor, a multi-functional printer with scanner and copier, a fax machine and a digital camera. So, you can consider it as a complete small office home office (soho) setup. I also offer virtual assistance now and then when potential clients contact me via the internet.

Chicago Auto Insurance

I have a company car which is an olive green Myvi that I have been using since 2007. I use it mainly to pay worker's EPF and SOCSO for the monthly contributions. I love driving my company car as it is fully automatic and easy to navigate around. In fact it is one of the best selling models in my country. I also used chicago auto insurance to have it insured against damage and accidents. It is one of the best vehicle that I own and my dad has been using it as well for his church activities.

Off Topic - Cheap Scrubs

I just woke up after catching a late night movie of Arthur Christmas last night. The flick was superb which has 3D effects even though I watched it in 2D as they have the slotted time that I wanted. The graphics were excellent and story line endearing. You should go watch it yourself.

On another matter, I was browsing the web sites and came upon where you can click on the link to find out more. There are cheap scrubs that you can order and buy online with safe and secure payment gateway using your credit card.

Today, I need to check up on my apartment but it is still not ready yet while waiting for the air con workers to bore a hole for the copper tube to be connected to the compressor. Sometimes I wished I had paid more for the convenience of full installation of 3 units of air con so that I don't have to worry about self installation later on like now with much hiccups.

Medical personnel in the hospital adorn scrubs over their clothes to look more professional and efficient when tending to patients. It also protects their clothes from splutters of blood during operations, et cetera. So, it not only looks good, it is more hygienic.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Locksmith Palm Beach Gardens

Tomorrow I will go to check on my new apartment for the installation of the air-con unit and before that, the workmen need to bore a hole for the copper pipe to connect to the compressor. I will make sure that I have 3 sets of key to the house and in case I lose any of them, I will check out Locksmith Palm Beach Gardens to my rescue.

My condo was bought at $281,000 but is now worth about $480,000 when fully furnished. The capital appreciation has earned me some income and this adds up to my net worth which I tabulate in an Excel file for my own reference.

Locksmith in Palm Beach Gardens is your one-stop solution to your misplacing your key problems or issues like being locked out accidentally from the inside. Just check out the links and bookmark them for future reference.

Air Conditioning Miami

I am now in the process of installing air conditioning for my new apartment and need to bore a hole for the copper tube to connect to the compressor. You can check out Air Conditioning Miami for more information. Today, I am waiting for a call from the company that bores holes through walls for the air con pipe to be installed and it will be a messy job with continuous flow of water draining down to a big tub and provide cooling system for the machine.

AC Repair Miami has one-stop solution for your air con installation needs and repairing work in your area especially Miami, USA. I just bought a 1 horse power air con unit with negative ions emitted and eco inverter to save electricity. Well, I hope this issue will be dealt with promptly so that I don't have to wait too long to move into my new apartment.

Found Micro Jobs Online

I am pleased with my online venture so far because I have found a site offering micro jobs for some payment in US currency. The tasks include rewriting articles, doing paid blog posts, signing up for new programmes, et cetera. It will be paid by Alert Pay and not Paypal which I am already familiar with. I am not too sure how Alert Pay works but I hope it is similar to Paypal so that I can withdraw money without too much charges.

I have also written some articles which were accepted this morning for more than USD 8.00 at USD 1 cent per word. These online ventures will keep me very busy for a long time to come and I love typing out and churning out article after article in a prompt manner from my laptop. I am grateful for God's providence over my life currently.