
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Longing for a Hot Cuppa

Today is very hot and to provide some respite from the sweltering heat of the sun, I am craving for my hot cuppa made from instant coffee powder mix with hot water. It would even be better to have your own coffee maker with krups coffee maker parts

You can check out more about krups coffee maker parts by clicking on the links given and read about it. I chanced upon krups coffee maker parts while surfing for information at home. What's more, you can order online and pay with your credit card via they safe and secure payment gateway. And the items will be delivered right to your doorsteps at the click of the mouse or keypad in the comfort of your home. Some of the items offer free shipping within a certain region. The link of the web site leads to many items that you can choose from to complement your kitchen and make it more complete.

There are many kitchen appliances parts of several brands like CUISINART, DELONGHI, HUROM, KITCHENAID, KRUPS and many more. I like the layout of the web site which is well developed for online purchasing with each item on display well photographed and the back ground removed for easier clarity. The site is McAfee secure tested, so you don't have to worry about malware or spamware installed on your computer system. They also have a blog that you can read up more about it and to attract higher traffic.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Off Topic - Repair Water Damaged Ceiling Austin

I was rather busy lately and did not have as much time as I would like to. There's work to be done every day and now we have a few enquiries from the Middle East for sports products. I also just collected our company calendars last night and waited a long time for my colleague to come back. I hope this is going to be the last year we sent out calendars because the task is laborious and time consuming.

Anyway, you might like to check out on which I just chanced upon it while surfing sites for information. And if you stay in Austin area, you might like to read up on repair water damaged ceiling austin, just in case you need such services. The best time to work in a home office is when both my parents are away so that I can have complete peace of mind to work uninterrupted.

This post is off topic anyway from the usual post of food with glorious pictures that may make you salivate. I have snapped lots of food photos recently but just did not have the time to process them and upload to my food blog. As you know, for each post, I normally put up 6-8 food photos or even more, so it is going to take up plenty of time with Photoshop software.

I also did not put up the kolam photos taken a few days ago for Deepavali for my other blog. It was just work and work every day - non stop. If I finished one assignment, more will come along my way and I might just suggest to my boss to employ another administrator to assist me in my work.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Virtual Pad

Guest written by our friend Trent Horton

I was watching direct tv Tucson and there was a show that was highlight new and upcoming real estate. The show highlighted the “Esquire Bachelor Pad”. When they call it a bachelor pad, that is exactly what it was. Everything was modern with clean lines. There were no feminine touches in the apartment. They used the newest technology in the Brooklyn Penthouse. Yes, it had a great view, was two stories and beautifully furnished, but some things really turned me off about the apartment. They had something that was like a virtual hologram of a good looking woman that was projected on the walls and in different places in the apartment. It was just so weird. They called the projection “Charlotte the ghost” and said that she “only came out at night”, which was even weirder. If I started dating a guy and went to his apartment where he had a hologram woman show up all over the house, I think I would be scared off. I would think that he was either a total creep or just really weird. The “Bachelor Pad” would definitely keep you a bachelor forever!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Dining Experience

I am blessed to be able to try out different dishes in the various restaurants all over the country. During my dining pursuits, I will snap some photos for my food blog like Best Asian Food. There won't be any food photos for this post as I am currently busy with designing and sending out calendars for the year end, hopefully before the dawn of 2012 next year. The year end is the busiest time for me and my boss has lots of work for me to do each day. Though I work at my own pace in a home office, I still have to place priority over my work and will only blog during my spare time. I have 7 blogs to maintain currently, so you can imagine the time and efforts put in to update all my blogs. In order to maintain this blog, I hope you will consider tipping my jar using the Paypal button on the right side if you love what you read here.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Food from Various Places

I have been busy lately and did not update this blog as often as I should. Anyway, here is a set of 4 gorgeous photos taken from the various dining places recently. Above is taken in Sushi King which was Curry Chicken Katsu which consists of fried chicken fillet, Japanese curry of potatoes and carrots on top of rice and garnished with chopped spring onions. This meal was as delicious as it looked.

Here was our free dessert of chocolate shaved ice topped with Oreo, chopped ground nuts, chocolate powder and some battered sticks. When we dined here on the 7th floor of Xuan Xin Steam Boat Restaurant, it was just the opening for the newly renovated food cafe. Xuan Xin has 3 outlets in Gurney Plaza and is prospering well in its food business. The boss was an award winning chef since the tender age of 18 and has working experience in Singapore. He is now 33.

Here is another Japanese food of noodles soup with seaweed, egg, bits of chicken, vegetables and some special fish ball slices. The meal is easy to prepare - just like cooking instant noodles over a stove.

We also went to Siam Express Thai Restaurant on the ground floor of Gurney Plaza. This is tom yum soup with prawns and straw mushrooms. We decided to change the seafood ingredients which usually have calamari, fish, prawns to just prawns. That's all for my food blog post for today. Later on I have to catch a ferry to Langkawi for a business trip there on a Monday morning and then go to Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday.

So it will be a busy week for me shuttling here and there for business as part of my work and if I don't post today, I may not have time to post for this week. Till next time, enjoy!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Throwing a Party - Food Items

I have attended a birthday party during my school days that was thrown by my classmate. Apparently she comes from a wealthy family having stayed in a semi-detached home in a landed property. I was quite young then but I remembered the adult guests had italian wine glasses in their hands and were merrily drinking red wine. There were also dinnerware like sango dishes to contain the savory food and desserts plus some finger food like sausages and french fries. We ate using square paper plates which was kind of unusual because most of the paper plates are round for easier dining.

The party lasted quite long and I had to go back before it ended late at night. I was still young, so my family were also concerned about my safety and well being. Personally speaking I have never organized any home party as our terrace house is cluttered with stuffs and there is not much room to move around. So, we normally invite friends to restaurants and have our gatherings there over a cuppa and some scrumptious food. Having good friends around to celebrate momentous occasion is worth the time and money spent. This is especially so during Christmas, Chinese New Year, etc.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kitchenaid Blender Parts

I used to learn cooking, baking and sewing as part of the syllabus of secondary school long time ago. And I scored an A for the subject which was known as Home Science. It fun was learning how to cook curries, bake cakes, sardine puffs and be able to enjoy them with your family. When you cook at home, it is good to have kitchenaid blender parts to help assist you in your food preparation. The kitchenaid blender parts need not be expensive and can be affordable if you search online and click on the links given. Cooking can be any enjoyable past time while you learn to prepare new recipes using your kitchenaid blender parts.

Now with the internet, it is so easy to look for new recipes to try out by searching online for them. That is the magic of the internet - everything is instant that sometimes you tend to take it for granted. In the past, housewives have to buy cookbooks from the book stores before they can learn new dishes to cook and experiment with. Well, the internet is the answer to most of our problems in this day and age. Which is why we should not be afraid to embrace technology and learn to be internet savvy.