
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Penang has the Best Food

We Penangites are lucky to have a wide variety of food - from hawker street foods to fine dining in a posh hotel and Michelin star restaurants offering the best delicacies. There is a repertoire of food to cater to different budgets so that it won't burnt a hole in your wallet. Penang has some of the most affordable food in Malaysia and Asia. It is famous for its 'laksa' - a fish and salad soup with piquant taste. It also has the ubiquitous 'nasi lemak' this a a favourite amongst the locals, since it is also 'halal' or kosher. I guess, being a born Penangite, I am lucky to live here and spoilt for choice.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Food is Comforting

When you are stressed out, just chase the blues away by eating. But don't eat too much and put on weight. This is no good and will increase your BMI to show whether you are overweight or obese or severely obese. On National day, fallin on 31st August 2017, Malaysia celebrated its 60th National Day in Kuala Lumpur and I took the opportunity to shop for cosmetics, mainly anti-aging serum which got me 3 free vouchers of RM 20, totalling RM 60 worth of vouchers that is valid for 3 months in AEON. I still haven't decided what to buy, but when the time comes, the vouchers will come in handy. For every RM 100 that you spend on that day, you will get RM 20 worth of voucher. My expenditure was RM 325 which will last me more than 1 year.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

I have lost 5kg

I am eating very much less now, about 50% full and have successfully lost 5 kg with some exercise. I am happy with my progress but don't starve myself for this purpose of losing weight. I still take my supplements, vitamins and fruit juice at times. I used to earn $5 per kg I lost last time, but that is so child-like. Now I will take the initiative to lose more weight by avoiding buffets and functions. Neither do I feel isolated as I enjoy my own company and the computer. Listening to light music also is balm to the soul. As long as I have my computer, I am occupied and happy.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Trying Hard to Lose Weight

I had diarhoea since yesterday and bought some pills to prevent the purge in a nearby pharmacy. This morning, I had diarhoea again and took some salts to replenish the lost ones in my body. When I weigh myself, I lost about 1 kg. I am also eating half full for every meaL - lunch and dinner with a cup of milk for breakfast. At the same time, I also got approved in my article on travel and will have about 10 articles to write in a month. They have to be Copyscape passed and not copy outright from other websites. This will surely keep me busy the whole day on top of my full time work in a home office. But at the same time, I take lots of naps in between work and a break during lunch time.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Eating Half Full

Now I am eating half full instead of 100% full. A 103-year old woman shared her longevity: she eats only 50% full. My weight has gone down and I hope it will continue to fall so that I don't have to wear 3X or 2X clothes from Ms Read. Obesity is a disease itself. My partner tends to overbuy food for me, thinking he is doing me a favour. But now I tell him, I will throw away the excess food, especially fried food and such. Previously, I used to eat all so as not to waste food, but my waist suffers and my health is going south. Hence, it is better to waste than have a bigger waist. Just don't be a glutton as gluttony is a sin. I also try to avoid buffets where one tends to overeat.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Strive to be Happy

This world is full of trickery with conmen emailing me every single day, but thank goodness, all those emails go to my spam folder. In your quest to work, don't forget to strive to be happy by playing computer games for entertainment and keep the mind active. I used to play computer games and go to the games room to play arcade games after study to de-stress. Life in Singapore was very very stressful for me as it was a pressure cooker. But I stayed there for 12 long years before coming back to Penang to settle down and found myself a work at home job that I have been doing since 2004. I never looked back. Also, I have had experience working as a sales assistant in a carpet shop and furniture show house before. I was computer chatting too much and the bills came to RM 800 per month, and my parents thought it is better I work outside and not cough up so much expenses, even though the pay was very low with long working hours

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Never Compare Yourself with Others

You will become Bitter when you compare yourself with others who are doing well and perhaps even wealthier. There will always be some people who are poorer than you and some who are richer. So, just be yourself and do your best. An idle mind is the devil's workshop; so keep busy doing positive things and think positive. Those who are bitter, jealous, angry, envious, etc will be sick and this negative mood will take a toll on their bodies. Stress is a cause of diseases and illnesses. Be happy, work hard and don't hope for others' wealth to be donated to you for nothing in return.