
Friday, May 20, 2011

My Experience with SONY Cyber Shot

Theme :
My Happiest and Craziest Experience with family members

I would like to expound on my trip to Bangkok some time back with the following vacation photos taken using my Sony Cyber Shot. We stayed in 4-star Prince Palace Hotel in Bangkok. Here is a view of the room with intricate wall paper design and cozy beds. The clothes wholesaler are located around this hotel. So, if you want to buy clothes at wholesale price, you know where to get next time.

This is a very cosy ambience of Prince Palace Hotel that I took in the evening when the chandeliers are lighted up.

Behind me is the Wat Arun temple in Bangkok. For only 50 bahts (5 ringgit) per person, you can rent costume of various colors to snap with Wat Arun. Here is yours truly in Bangkok. :)

My youngest sister in blue and me in pink. This is the national Thai costume.

You will never be short of ideas of what to do in Bangkok. You can go for an elephant ride. Ouch, my bottom hurts…. The ride took about 10 minutes balancing the seat on the elephant’s back, but good for a lifetime experience.

Or go for a horse ride with a cart. Less bumpy than the elephant ride.

Or see dolphine show in Safari World.

Take photo of the beluga in Safari World.

Go to the loo to relieve ourselves. See how colorful the doors are!

Next on the item is Thai kick boxing or muay Thai as part of the cultural show.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Had Orthodontic Treatment

I used to have overlapping front teeth that makes it harder to chew and food bits tend to get stuck between my overlapping teeth. As a result, I decided to go for orthodontic treatment to straighten my teeth. On the day of operation, I had 4 pre-molars removed by general surgery. I had to don medical scrub as a patient before the surgery under general anaesthesia and you can check out The nursing staff also donned nursing scrubs that are more affordable.

You can check out to see the various types of scrubs that are available. After about 2-3 years of constant treatment, my teeth are now straight and look much better. I still remember the day I came out from the surgical room, my cheeks were very swollen as I also had 2 molars removed including a cyst. It was fortunate that my dental surgeon decided to let me undergo general surgery where the cyst in my gums were discovered in time. Otherwise, it would grow and grow and then loosen my teeth eventually.

Now I am currently on a business trip with my colleague and we are staying in the rented condominium that was provided by the company. Yesterday was a wild goose chase trying to find the client to collect our check for sports courts that are completed. It was quite late at night after dinner and the time we arrived at the condominium unit to rest after a long drive down.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Austin Carpet Cleaning Service

I have worked in a carpet shop before for about only 4 months in an upmarket shopping mall. Though it was a short stint, nevertheless, I learnt valuable cheap and affordable marketing techniques but is labor intensive. This is because you need to search for potential clients' addresses from the internet or yellow pages and pair them with the area code book. Every fortnight, we will send out about 400 addresses as I need to type in 30 addresses every day. Anyway, since I left, the small carpet shop has closed down since no one else will type the addresses every day, much less my slothful supervisor. You can check out to find out more about carpet cleaning.

You can also check out carpet drying fans austin or carpet flood damage austin in case you require such services. I have also bought 2 small carpets from the shop for the water closet upstairs and stair case downstairs.

Well, now I am gainfully employed permanently to work at home office for a sports building business which installs tennis courts, futsal courts, netball courts, basketball courts, and any other sports courts all over the country. I also get to travel frequently between the different states to meet up with clients and to oversee the existing projects. Life has been different since then.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Red Wine is Good for your Health

You might like to know that red wine is good for your health as it contains resveratrol that has anti-oxidant properties to help prevent cancer. I have been drinking wine when I was introduced to it by my wealthy uncle in Singapore who never fails to drink at least a glass every day after lunch and dinner. He is a doctor, now 95 years of age and still plays golf. He loves Cabernet Sauvignon over Shiraz as it is sweeter. The longer the wine is, the more expensive and better the quality of the taste.

Red wine is harvested from grapes and the color is due to the skin of red grapes. After the juice is extracted, it is then kept in wine cellars for many years for fermentation to take place. Jesus also turned water into the best wine ever during the marriage in Cannaan and the guests have a merry time drinking free flow of wine.

My boss also loves wine and never forget to have company dinners with wine included every year. Wine is a way to celebrate life and for social gatherings. People toast to each other wishing others well during a celebration like birthdays, Chinese new year gatherings, Christmas gatherings and also during marriages.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Breakfast at Mandarin Grill

This is the ambience at Mandarin Grill in Mandarin Oriental Hotel on the ground floor. Notice the plush soft velvety cushioned chairs and the heavy carpets. The food was equally good albeit less choices compared to a Chinese restaurant upstairs that we have tried earlier in another visit.

Another view of the ambience with the server waiting behind a food counter.

A wide repertoire of selection of the cereals for breakfast. This is typical of an American breakfast which was the theme of the buffet breakfast.  

The eggs were cooked sunny-side-up where the egg yolks are not 100% cooked and still in semi liquid form. Just learnt two terms of the types of servings for the eggs : sunny-side-up or over-easy which is 100% cooked. Also 4 types of jams were available - strawberry, blackcurrant, orange marmalade and honey.

This is over-easy and a portion has been eaten. See the difference? 

This is cheese platter and some portions were already taken and spoilt by diners. I love the bunch of grapes placed right in the middle to enhance the colours.

This was taken at the main lobby where a large pot of flowers decorate the area. The white orchids are real and not fake.

This is my buffet breakfast that is more suited to the local taste and taken at another hotel in another state in Malaysia. There were salads, hash browns, scrambled eggs, fish tempura, coleslaw, Indian curry, 'char koay teow', etc.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Causeway Bay Hong Kong Cafe

Early this month, I had dinner at Causeway Bay Hong Kong Cafe and ordered mini seafood hot pot with chinese herb superior soup. True to its name, it was served in a hot pot and the soup was sumptuous. It has red wolf berries, Chinese wine, green peas, mock crab stick, cabbage, prawns, etc. The serving was interesting too.

This is my meal of fish omelette with rice and vegetables. There were generous helpings of black Shitake mushrooms and other vegetables beneath the fish omelette. This is doing justice to my money. 

To pair with my main meal, I must have a drink which was hot ginger calamansi tea. Calamansi is like a small green orange that is sour and acidic to add some kick to the tea. 

These are the combined dishes that I had with my colleague during a business trip recently. I think my colleague must be quite used to me snapping away all the ordered food dishes since I am a food blogger. 

This is the ambience of Causeway Bay Hong Kong Cafe.  Ok, I have to go soon to prepare for my business trip to Kuala Lumpur later on. So this is a shorter post. Till the next post, have a nice day!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Food taken from Different Places

This was taken near the rented apartment in USJ 14, Subang Jaya at an eatery serving only Chinese food. Yam basket is my favorite with the steam and mashed yam deep fried in a tube and garnished with cubed stir-fried chicken, vegetables like onions, carrots, green pepper, red chillies, black shitake mushrooms and sprinkled with juliened carrots, fried vermicelli surrounding the yam basket, spring onions and parsley. I always patronise this place for its yam basket and delicious Chinese food.

This dish is known as sweet and sour fish for its taste. The fish is deep fried and then tomato sauce with added vegetables are sauteed together to make a sumptuous flavor and poured to the fish. Some vinegar is added too for the sour taste and extra zing!

This is sauteed sweet potato leaves with garlic. The stir-fried garlic brings out the aroma and tastiness of this simple dish that is easy to prepare. Sweet potato leaves are a common dish in Malaysia.

Here are combined food pictures with soup, chopped garlic, etc. This eatery tucked amongst the row of shop houses is very popular and is always packed with diners. They have 3 to 4 cooks working hard in the small kitchen so that food can be served quickly. During Chinese New Year, they also gave out free red packets or 'ang pows' albeit one year before from Guiness Stout during the year of the Tiger.

This is smoked salmon foccasia that was served in Tun Mahathir's The Loaf at Subang Shopping Gallery. The preparation is very simple and easy peasy. Just add some greens, potato chips and smoked salmon to the bread pocket. It is environmentally friendly since the food is served on a wooden plate.

On the right is my friend's order of chicken ham with grated cheese and croissant. Don't they look yummy together?

I stayed in Mandarin Oriental Hotel beside Suria KLCC last week. Upon checking in, an additional bed was in the room and not taken out. Feeling bad, the receptionist who took us to our room called for the extra bed to be removed while at the same time, gave us 2 large free chocolate chip cookies of smileys, 2 large dark chocolate bars (beneath the cookies) and 2 glasses of milk.

Here, you can see the chocolate bars that were hidden by the large cookies. The chocolate bars are specially made by the hotel and not bought from any supermarket as there were no wrappers. Besides, they tastes just right, not too sweet which may cause diabetes. Chocolates are rich in anti-oxidants to help prevent cancer.

Behind the dark chocolate bars are chopped dried peaches and almonds as you can see from the photo above.

During my business trip down south, we stopped in a R & R area (Rest and Recreation) and had some desserts like tarts, chocolate cake and tea. (see photo above). So, there you go, hope you like my food photos taken from the various places that I went to during my business trip in Malaysia.