
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Causeway Bay Hong Kong Cafe

Early this month, I had dinner at Causeway Bay Hong Kong Cafe and ordered mini seafood hot pot with chinese herb superior soup. True to its name, it was served in a hot pot and the soup was sumptuous. It has red wolf berries, Chinese wine, green peas, mock crab stick, cabbage, prawns, etc. The serving was interesting too.

This is my meal of fish omelette with rice and vegetables. There were generous helpings of black Shitake mushrooms and other vegetables beneath the fish omelette. This is doing justice to my money. 

To pair with my main meal, I must have a drink which was hot ginger calamansi tea. Calamansi is like a small green orange that is sour and acidic to add some kick to the tea. 

These are the combined dishes that I had with my colleague during a business trip recently. I think my colleague must be quite used to me snapping away all the ordered food dishes since I am a food blogger. 

This is the ambience of Causeway Bay Hong Kong Cafe.  Ok, I have to go soon to prepare for my business trip to Kuala Lumpur later on. So this is a shorter post. Till the next post, have a nice day!