
Monday, February 6, 2017

Eating Half Full

Now I am eating half full instead of 100% full. A 103-year old woman shared her longevity: she eats only 50% full. My weight has gone down and I hope it will continue to fall so that I don't have to wear 3X or 2X clothes from Ms Read. Obesity is a disease itself. My partner tends to overbuy food for me, thinking he is doing me a favour. But now I tell him, I will throw away the excess food, especially fried food and such. Previously, I used to eat all so as not to waste food, but my waist suffers and my health is going south. Hence, it is better to waste than have a bigger waist. Just don't be a glutton as gluttony is a sin. I also try to avoid buffets where one tends to overeat.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Strive to be Happy

This world is full of trickery with conmen emailing me every single day, but thank goodness, all those emails go to my spam folder. In your quest to work, don't forget to strive to be happy by playing computer games for entertainment and keep the mind active. I used to play computer games and go to the games room to play arcade games after study to de-stress. Life in Singapore was very very stressful for me as it was a pressure cooker. But I stayed there for 12 long years before coming back to Penang to settle down and found myself a work at home job that I have been doing since 2004. I never looked back. Also, I have had experience working as a sales assistant in a carpet shop and furniture show house before. I was computer chatting too much and the bills came to RM 800 per month, and my parents thought it is better I work outside and not cough up so much expenses, even though the pay was very low with long working hours

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Never Compare Yourself with Others

You will become Bitter when you compare yourself with others who are doing well and perhaps even wealthier. There will always be some people who are poorer than you and some who are richer. So, just be yourself and do your best. An idle mind is the devil's workshop; so keep busy doing positive things and think positive. Those who are bitter, jealous, angry, envious, etc will be sick and this negative mood will take a toll on their bodies. Stress is a cause of diseases and illnesses. Be happy, work hard and don't hope for others' wealth to be donated to you for nothing in return.

Friday, January 6, 2017

It is good to be lazy

Once in a while, it is good to be lazy and relax. Enjoy the sunshine and air outside. Play more games and keep the mind occupied. Life is not about working all the time or chasing the monetary dreams. And you don't need people to be happy. You can keep yourself happy by going for spas, movies, etc. Friends come and go. Nothing is permanent except God. Instead, don't let friends make use of you to enrich themselves by selling phoney banned kangen alkaline water, etc. They themselves have been conned into buying this expensive direct selling product and are looking for naive suckers like you to buy into their story. Lastly, money is the root of all evil! People who love money more than friendship will lose the friendship anyway. Their true selves will eventually show.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Bla Bla Bla

I have nothing to blog about and it is all bla bla bla. If you are prone to jealously with such delicious food photos, then kindly get out and don't come here spying. You have been warned!! This blog is not for those sneaky people who are easily agitated or envious of other's success and appetite. I have a huge appetite and I don't want you to come here spying this blog of mine to see what I am eating. That is why this blog is no longer updated with food photos, because I know the kay-pos will come here and plan evil as far as yours truly is concerned. As long as I stay away from poisonous people, then I am fine. I don't want my life to be messed up by you!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

* Kan pei 干杯! *

* Kan pei 干杯! *

A Chinese businessman entertaining his guest from England.

Each time the Chinese lift the glass, he says to his British associate: Kan Pei 干杯! (Cheers).

The Englishman was stunned and silent, but he continued eating.

It keeps recurring, each time the Chinese want to drink, he exclaimed: Kan Pei 干杯!

Finally, the British put the cutlery and said aloud to his Chinese associate :
* "It's all right if you CAN'T PAY!
I will pay! Now, shut up and eat !!! *"

Friday, November 4, 2016

Need to Lose Weight

Somehow I find it hard to lose weight with all those food in front of you. I will try to eat less for a couple of days and then it is back to the old appetite. To be healthy, I need to lose 25kg for a healthier BMI. Being obese has its disadvantages and higher risks of getting sickness, but then again, I cannot resist good food with good company. Food is medicine as stated a few times in the web. It nourishes the body again after being depletion of energy and good for the soul.