
Monday, April 15, 2013

Took an Online Test

Early this morning, I took an online test to participate in earning an income online via the internet. I plan to milk the internet for some allowance this year and treat the internet as a cash cow. There are 6 tests in total and I got a score of 84.9% success. I am not sure if this is an acceptable range, but just keeping my fingers crossed for it. Each tests range from 10 minutes to 20 minutes with listening comprehension, crossword puzzle and pictorial quiz. On another note, my best friend's birthday is coming up this month and we have already collected a free 1 kg birthday cake from Mandarin Oriental Hotel's cake shop on the ground floor yesterday. It is chocolate cake topped with fresh fruits like blueberries, strawberries and chocolate flakes.

Monday, April 8, 2013

I Love Food

I love food and will not hesitate to drive around in search of a good cafe or bistro in town and be adventurous to try different food on the menu. That is why you can find amazing food photos taken that are uploaded to this culinery blog of mine now and then. It serves as a food diary of my travel journals and a happy reminder of what I have savoured in the past. Since 2004, my life has turned around to a life full of blessings - one after another - and I cherish each day as it dawns on me of the favour and grace of God upon my life.

Do you know that surfing web sites is one of my hobbies that I do now and then? Yes, it keeps me busy for the moment and happy, through the power of technology called the internet. Occasionally, I can milk the internet which is my cash cow since years ago. Now I can sit back and relax as I read my old blog posts and reminisce on past glory.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Via Pre – Tavern on The Harbour

Italian restaurants have not been too popular in Penang in the past. But all that may be changing, with Via Pre, the newest purveyor of Italian food, which is set to satisfy even the most discerning of palates.

Located along the busy Weld Quay, the thinking behind this non-halal Italian restaurant was very simple: to pamper diners’ taste buds with authentic Italian food prepared with ingredients brought in from Italy. And the menu of course includes an extensive range of native Italian wines, beers and ales.

At the recommendation of a friend, we visited the restaurant — a restored pre-war house with a charming white facade. Inside, the tall interior dining hall features an industrial look, with huge black steel columns supporting the higher floor which houses a lounge and grill. The ambience was soothing with Italian music in the background and lots of dark timber for the paneling in this newly refurbished pre-war house.

The restaurant motto of not using any processed and flavoured food is written on a huge chalkboard. The large menu offers eight mains, 11 pastas, 10 pizzas, a wide selection of antipasti and also desserts. There is a short list of salad dishes. Our order had a bit of something to suit everyone.

We started with the basket of bread, served with earthy olive oil and vinegar. All the bread is made in-house, with choices of focaccia, flat bread, rustic bread and more.

The Tagliere Rustico with assorted cold cuts, cheese and antipasti goes for RM72 (for two persons). It has a good mix of textures and flavours. The olives and sun-dried tomatoes were bright and appetising and the cheese has a nice savoury flavour. Via Pre also offers diners the option of buying these cured meats and cheeses.

We ordered Trancio Alla Griglia which is steamed and then roasted fish smothered with cubed tomatoes and salads drizzled with generous portion of virgin olive oil. The fish is served with a special sauce that tastes exquisite with a hint of herbs added.

Next on the mains was my order of Del Porto, which was salad with slices of smoked salmon topped with braised prawn.

To accompany our mains, we also ordered 2 types of beers and ales which are similar to Guiness Stout which uses barley instead of grapes as the raw ingredient.

You cannot find these ales locally in the market except Via Pre which specially imported them from Italy. It reminds my friend of his varsity days in United Kingdom where he used to treat himself ales as a student then.

I had a glass of freshly blended celery juice for RM 11 and another glass of bottled apricot juice, also specially imported from Italy which you cannot find on the counters in supermarkets.

As the mains and salads were so appetizing, our last entree was a dessert to finish off our meals. Here is IL Tortino Del Monaci where we had to wait for at least 15 minutes for the cakes to be baked fresh from the oven with the insides full of melted chocolate and nuts. There is a generous portion of chopped pistachio nuts with condensed milk and a scoop of champagne ice-cream. A range of cakes and pastries are displayed at the dessert counter that takes center stage in the restaurant.

After our last entree, we headed to the second floor to a large lounge for some music with computer ensemble or songs and instruments. There is a bar counter and for those preferring to enjoy a view of the harbour and docking cruises, then they can go outside the balcony for some fresh air and sea view. We finally adjourned after paying the bill which came up to RM 222.70

If you want a taste of Italian and appreciate warm service (from the Italian owners), then visit this tavern on the harbour. Parking is limited at the front but there’s plenty to be found in the neighbouring streets. It is located diagonally opposite Chin’s Stylish Chinese Cuisine.

Via Pre
5 Weld Quay
10300 Penang

Tel: 04-2619800 & 04-2620560

Monday, March 25, 2013

Phone Dating with Flurv and Badoo

I have been testing out these two apps downloaded to my iPhone 5 for the functionality and I must say that Badoo is heads over heels over Flurv which is more catered to local users. With Badoo, I have people from UK, US, Norway, Europe chatting up with me in an instant! Many plan to meet up with me, but I don't schedule for any appointment. My time is too precious and the main reason I use Badoo is to promote my online business which I just paid for USD 29.95 for a lifetime membership without monthly fees, transaction fees or any other fees for that matter. It is very affordable and I love it. Having said that, now it time to try out Badoo and make new online friends.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I am a workaholic

You can say that I am a workaholic. I am always looking for ways to earn some money from the internet. Despite working from a home office, I will always strive to look for work do complete online and am now contemplating of whether to join Empower Network or not as this could potentially be my side income, promoting all via my blogs and affiliate link. In between work, I also take power naps to rest my eyes from the computer screen and rejuvenate my brain cells. Don't be mistaken, I love what I do and more so since I work in a home office! Life could not get better than this! Working from a home office in the comfort of my sanctuary at my condo. I also love to blog part time and pen down my thoughts online with the world at my fingertips.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Love my JOB

For most people, a JOB is Just Over Broke. But for me, I just love it! Though it can get a bit boring at times, sitting by the computer all alone, but nevertheless, I love it – simply for the fact that I can work in my own pace and time. No office politics or nosy supervisor to look over your shoulders. In fact, most of the time, I will be listening to music in the background or napping in between. It would be a luxury to most for this type of job which I cannot trade for anything else. God has found a calling for me in this vocation where only I can handle and one that suits my capabilities well enough.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I Don't Smoke

I am against smoking and everyone in my family are non-smokers. I will always try to avoid the cigarette smoke spewing from the smokers and even hold my breath as I walk past them. Inhalation of cigarette smoke is known as secondary smoking and it is just as harmful. But now, there is a new invention and you can check out electronic cigarette prices if you cannot kick the habit. In the first place, don't start smoking or just to try for the fun of it. You might get hooked and find it difficult to stop this habit. Too many people just die of lung cancer when they should be enjoying their golden years during retirement.