
Friday, June 24, 2016


I am waiting for my lunch, bought by a friend and instead of waiting too long, decided to make myself mushroom soup at home. Simply mix the portion into hot water, stir and voila, my soup is ready. I have decided to kill loneliness by blogging and reading more. The best friend is myself and I have to be nice to myself, cos no one will be as nice as me. Some people kill loneliness by causing problems for others and laugh over it. It is nicely disguised as an urgent matter on projects or related to job. They won't hesitate to send you Whatsapp messages and several of them in a row in a nasty tone. The best reaction is to just ignore them, so they cannot comprehend what's in your mind.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year Everyone

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my readers a very happy new year in 2016. Through this blog, I was once contacted by an Australian broadcasting company to reply a question and answer session via the phone regarding a post that I made about an outlet in Gurney Plaza. Well, I had to decline due to my sore throat but who knows, had I accepted the offer, it could lead to more opportunities and perhaps even travel to Australia for free. This blog started out as a food blog to showcase the foods that I have tasted; please don't get envious or silently resent me. Then it sort of morphed into a personal blog on anything under the sun to keep it updated. Well, it is not updated now and then and when opportunities strikes, then it is time to work on it again.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Go Watch 'Just for Laughs'

I love this Astro show that premiers at 1pm on Mondays through Wednesdays. In fact, it is shown a few times a day with different funny gigs that sometimes play on the human emotions. It is humourous to watch and certainly release some stress of work. Since I am lucky enough to work in a home office, I find this opportunity to watch this show certainly a blessing. While having lunch, I can at the same time watch and be amused. The hilarious show is made in Canada and they poke fun at people and things. I believe the director must be a Catholic as there were many instances of nuns and fake funerals and priests. Go watch it if you can and be entertained from home with an Astro installation.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

On a Diet Plan

Recently I got a free facial and tummy trim treatment, each lasting 1 hour at Body Bizzy, compliments of Standard Chartered Bank credit card holders on my birthday month. The free facial cost $350 per session and tummy trim $450 per session. After the 2 treatment, I liked the service and signed up for 29 sessions of tummy trim and facials amounting to $3,810 to be paid by installments for 24 months. Hence it cost $158.78 per month. The place is just beside Popular and convenient for me to hop over to read books if I have the time. The person attended to me also gave me a meal plan chart for me to list what I eat and the portion every day for 1 week. Then, she will monitor my weight and fat level. So far, I lost a little weight since then and hope to lose more before my trip to my sister's wedding in UK later on.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Paid Yesterday

I got paid for blogging yesterday in US dollars. The amount is not much, but to me, something is better than nothing at all. I also have a PR 2 website that brings in USD 33 each month for advertisements. This morning, I was feeling under the weather and decided to take a long nap, waking up much later to de-stress. My second sister went fishing with her boyfriend and his mother and they caught a fish which my second sister will remove the kidneys, etc and cook for herself and mate. I could hear loud chirpings of the birds and crickets singing along. This is so therapeutic and PhD students like them.

Monday, May 4, 2015

It is Good to be Back

It is good to be back blogging again and having regular visitors. It is more out of personal musings than anything else. I have the world at my fingertips and the world is my oyster. Speaking of oysters, I have tasted the raw type with slices of lemon squeezed abundantly to remove the fishy odour. These are air-flown oysters, fresh from the deep oceans and pried opened with its juicy flesh displayed on buffet counters - all for the taking. However, I am not particularly fond of fresh oysters, and prefer something cooked instead like cheese baked scallops during any seafood buffet in any upmarket hotels. Oysters are supposed to increase the male libido, but I cannot attest to this fact or fiction. Anyway, here's to celebrating my several years as a blogger in either paid or free blogs.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Dinner at the Grand Imperial Restaurant

Grand Imperial Restaurant has around 5 to 6 chains all over Malaysia including 1 in London at Buckingham Road. It has won a Brand Laurette for Food and Beverage under Chinese Cuisine. The food is reasonable with classy ambience. We went downstairs to savour the food at this restaurant that was conveniently located on the third floor of the rented apartment. If you own an HSBC credit card, there is a good promotion during Chinese New Year.

While dining here last night, we were told that there is a tim sum in the morning starting at 11:30am every day from Mondays to Fridays. Later on we shall go downstairs to have a bite.