
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I Love This Job

I have a good job which is to work at home with full benefits like EPF and SOCSO. I work in my pajamas since 2004 and have been riding the wave of success since then. I love this job and will never trade it for another one. I will work here till I retire which may be a few years down the road. It is not easy to earn online but I get some opps here and there. Just look around and you will find your source of income and nest egg. My designation is IT executive doing all administrative work, web site maintenance, etc.

Best PlayTech Casinos

It has been a long time since I visited Genting Highlands and enter the casinos. There are many game machines in the playtech casinos. It is one of the best playtech casinos in this region and punters from Asia and as far as China come here to enjoy the cool mountain air and to try their lady luck with playing the games machines. You can check out and click on the link given to find out more.

No longer do you have to dress up and travel to the nearest casino, but start playing at the stroke of the keyboard. Now how easy peasy can that be. Life has certainly changed for the better with the invention of the internet and computers. Business can be conducted in split seconds and you can start earning cash like huge corporations from the bedroom with internet connectivity.

Just Had Dinner

I just had dinner at Chinese Recreation Club and it was rather filling. I ordered crab meat stir fried with eggs and wrapped in Lettuce. Also had claypot chicken with salted fish and broccoli with scallops. The bill came to about $100 plus or so. Bear in mind that I don't always dine this well every day, but only once in a blue moon. As we are members of CRC, we come here often to check on the internet and emails and also to moonlight earning some revenue at every opportunity.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Money in Alert Pay

I have some cash in my AlertPay account for completing micro jobs online. Just yesterday, I ordered my AlertPay debit card for USD 20.00 plus or so which I will receive in 2 months time at the latest for countries outside USA. I had to scan my latest bill statement and my IC to email them for the confirmation. In the meantime, I will continue with the micro jobs so that the earnings will accummulate for withdrawal every month. 'Sedikit sedikit lama lama jadi bukit." The idiom means a bit at a time and it will become a hill. So, I am expecting my AlertPay debit card for ATM withdrawal of my US cash in May 2012 at the latest.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Moving Out

The Author of this post is Kory Dotson

I am moving next month, and have been overwhelmed trying to get everything together. Moving is so much work, and I haven’t done it in such a long time that I almost forgot. I sprung for movers this time so I wouldn’t have to do all the packing and moving myself, but there are still so many things to do. I didn’t want to move, but the owner of the house I’m renting is selling it, so I have no choice. I wish I had enough money to buy the house, because it is wonderful. The area is fun, and the house is in great condition. I have been renting it at a steal for a few years now. I already found another place to live, but it’s not nearly as nice, and it’s more expensive. I am trying to make myself feel better by looking for DIRECTV Special Packages and treating myself to one, but I don’t know if that will help. Maybe after a few months passes I will start to live my new place as much as I love this one.

Feeling So Sleepy

Now is quarter to eight in the morning but I am still feeling so sleepy. Perhaps it is due to the fast that I slept quite late last night, past midnight, as I was glued to a magazine - Personal Money that I bought yesterday. I conclude that this could also due to the fact that I work in a home office, so I tend to wake up later than usual and nap in between work. I hope my comfortable work in a home does not make me slothful and unmotivated. But with financial rewards, who can resist?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wine Gift Baskets infographic
Brought To By, Purveyors of Fine Wine and Champagne

Do you know that Jesus turned water into the best quality wine at a marriage feast in Canna? The guests had the best wine in years to come and they enjoyed their merry-making. Wine also has resveratrol which is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps to prevent cancer. Moreover, the slight alcohol content in wine aids in removing bad cholesterol and unclog the arteries. Hence, it helps prevent heart disease and is beneficial to the heart. You can check out Wine Gift Baskets if you are looking for a bottle of wine or more that is carefully packed in a basket for your family or friends.

Wine is usually drunk during commemorative and celebrative occasions like a wedding feast, graduation, promotion, Oscars gala night and any other form to 'yam seng' or 'bottoms up' with fellow friends, family and colleagues at a round dinner table. It is a form of social get together where loved ones and friends have a good chat after dinner and drink wine to wash all the food down.

My uncle who is a physician in Singapore used to drink a glass of wine every day until today and he still plays 18-hole golf every Sunday. He is now 95 years of age, still very healthy and able to walk long distances unaided.