
Friday, February 3, 2012

Multi Car Insurance

I still have 2+ more years to go to finish paying my car loan of 7 years. I took the longest duration to pay back but it also means more interests in the long run. You can check out multi car insurance if you have several cars just like my household. We have 4 cars - one car for each member. In Penang or rather in Malaysia, if you don't own a car, you cannot move around as we don't have MRT system unlike Singapore.

2 sisters in Jogjakarta

Yesterday, my 2 younger sisters flew to Jogjakarta in Indonesia to see Borubodor, an ancient temple of epic proportions. As I could not walk long distances, I did not go. You need to be fit and able to walk very long to look around and to enjoy the trip fully. It is not easy when you walk with a slight limp due to numbness of the foot. I hope to visit Shanghai in June or July this year together with them and try the bullet train.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Spoiled Boyfriend

Thanks for the guest post by Esteban Vinson

My boyfriend just bought his first house and he is being so annoying about everything. I only want the best for him, and his irresponsibility worries me. He was raised very wealthy and is very spoiled. His parents bought him this house without any strings attached, and he does not know how to take care of it. When I try to give him suggestions about safety and maintenance he balks. He says I shouldn’t be worried about it because it’s none of my business. The other day we had a huge fight because I suggested he get a home security system from home security family. He got defensive and made it seem like I was trying to get involved in his family’s personal business. I’m guessing I should take the hint that he’s not very serious about me and move on. I’m just trying to be helpful since he seems clueless about what he’s doing. He’ll realize how right I am when something bad happens. It doesn’t really matter anyways. I don’t think I could end up with some spoiled brat for the long haul. His behavior would drive me crazy!

Rich Children are Spoilt Brats

Indeed rich kids are spoilt brats. Why do I say this? Because during a CNY dinner table, they are not motivated to look for a job immediately upon graduation. They rather wait and bum at home doing nothing while looking for that perfect job! That's because they don't want to be bullied at work!! Common, where in this earth is a job where you don't get bullied. Hello, you have to earn your respect in the work place and not hope that you don't get bullied. Your boss pays you for your time to do a job conscientiously.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Just Came Back from Hatyai

I came back from Hatyai last night where we spend 3 days 2 nights during Chinese New Year. There were 2 golden dragons in the streets which were closed for the performance near our hotel. Since coming back, I have checked this site for annuity rates and you can click on the link. At the moment, my finances are in order and looking not too bad.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Now in Kuala Lumpur

I am now in Kuala Lumpur for business. Visited a few clients and collected some payment. My job of nature is such that I am required to travel frequently between Penang and KL - at least once a month. Other than that, I normally work in my home office in Penang. At last, I have a dream job to work in a home office wearing my pajamas and saving lots of money on petrol. Sometimes, I have time for other micro jobs online to earn a little extra. And blogging is part of it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Trazim zenu

Općenito, online dating industriji je boomed u nedavnoj prošlosti. To je zato što više ljudi sada imaju pristup velike brzine širokopojasnog nego ikad prije, a nalaz je lakše dobiti online. Osim toga, više ljudi može biti zamoran i bar sceni i vjeruju da oni stoje bolje šanse za dobivanje dobru utakmicu kada ide online. Kao rezultat toga, online dating industriji sada vrijedi preko 1 milijarde dolara svake godine. To je čak i veći od porno industrije i mnogi u porno industriji online dating krivi za oštar pad svojih prihoda. Čak i mobilni iz tržišta raste i sada vrijedi više od 550 milijuna dolara godišnje, ali se očekuje da će biti vrijedan 1,3 milijarde dolara do 2013. Sve to novac dolazi iz približno 239 dolara da svaki kupac troši svake godine pokušava pronaći g. ili gđa pravo.

Međutim, nisu svi ljudi koji su na online dating web stranice su zapravo u potrazi za ljubavi. Istraživanja pokazuju da jedan od deset korisnika scammers. Istraživanje također pokazuje da nisu svi uspješni kada je u pitanju pronalaženje svoje srodnu dušu. Jedan od deset korisnici će napustiti dating site u roku od tri mjeseca.

S druge strane, kada je utakmica je napravio, to tendira da bude dobar. Prosječna udvaranja za on-line odnos je 18,5 mjeseci, dok je 42 mjeseci za parove koji su pronašli jedni druge bez korištenja interneta.

Naravno, jedan od najvećih problema o dating online je da ne morate biti potpuno iskreni o sebi. U online svijetu, ljudi imaju tendenciju da laže o svojim godinama, visine i prihoda. Žene, s druge strane, imaju tendenciju da se lagati o svojim težina, fizička graditi i dobi. Međutim, većina online daters kažu da privlači netko drugi, jer oni imaju zajedničke interese. U međuvremenu, samo 49% korisnika kažu da odluče susresti nekoga na temelju te osobe obilježja od fotografija ili videa.

Prošle godine, više od 17% brakova bili su rezultat odnosa koji je počeo na internetu. Kako sve više ljudi okreću internetu, to je trend koji će se nastaviti u godinama koje dolaze. To će biti vrijedan više u budućnosti i nadamo se, tu će biti puno budućih brakova i ljubavi veze, kao dobro.

Check out Trazim zenu i Poznanstva srbija za više informacija.