
Friday, December 9, 2011

Personal Injury Solicitors

My third aunt was formerly an advocate and a solicitor with her own office in Shenton Way in Singapore. It is the business district where all the offices and government buildings are located. If you need help, you can check out personal injury solicitors to make a claim for you in court. Now my aunt is retired and happily enjoying her retirement with lots of money to spend as she is single with no family commitment. I used to spend a lot of time with her including working on a temporary basis for her as her legal secretary in her office. She paid me reasonably well, but that was in the past.

This Blog has a Page Rank of 1

I am happy that after continuous blogging, this blog has a page rank of 1. Which means that I can accept opportunities and get paid. You might notice that recently, I have posted a lot of short posts that are not related to food. That's because I am generating a revenue from my efforts, regardless of the payment. To me, something earned is better than nothing at all and most of the campaigns are dried up like the desert. So whenever you see a small oasis, quickly grab the opportunity before it disappears.

Bunk Beds

I have attended an international girl guides camp in Douglas Scrub, Adelaide, South Australia way back in 1986. It was my very first trip to a foreign country. It was an eye-opening experience that I will not forget. We did not sleep on bunk beds but in sleeping bags inside huge tents. The weather was very cold and chilly outside as it was near winter at that time. But I love traveling in the plane as it took off and landed safely. My parents sponsored my trip at that time when I was a student and now I can well afford my own trips and holidays overseas.

Making Money is Not Easy

Making money is difficult as most of us know. But spending money is liken to drinking water. That is why, we need to make a concerted effort to save up as much as we can so that our money will last us a lifetime. We need to be financially independent and not rely on other people for cash in our old age. We should endeavor to save up more if possible considering that inflation will reduce the value of paper money over time. The trick is to beat the rate of inflation which is hovering around 4% per annum.

Chicago Auto Insurance Quotes

So far, my family has 4 cars in the garage with 2 parked in the porch and 2 more parked in the public lane beside our house. One each for my parents, one for me and one for my youngest sister. All our cars are insured and we got them by checking out chicago auto insurance quotes. It is good to have your cars insured so that whenever there is an accident, you can be sure that the insurance company will pay for it and you save money in the long run.

Meeting up with a Sports Coach Later

Later this evening, I will follow my boss to meet up with a sports coach in Sungai Petani, Kedah for potential projects that he will bring to us. It will be around 2:00pm. We have known the coach for quite some time now and have previously met up with him at The Curve in Kuala Lumpur where Nicol David was playing squash and won the match at that time. I get to witness her splendid performance for free. She is the darling of Malaysian squash bringing dignity and name to my country.


I am in the midst of preparing to furnish my new apartment with tch Furniture and have paid $1,399.00 for an L-shaped furniture which is to arrive after Christmas. My kitchen cabinets are settled, dining table and chairs are paid including bedroom set also purchased. I also bought a 32-inch LCD television and hall cabinet. The lights are also paid in full and now waiting for the installer to come and install the lights for all the rooms and a door bell outside. I cannot wait for my apartment to be fully furnished so that I can chill out during the evenings and perhaps rent it out one day for some income.