
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Home Security Reviews

I will be going to KL later this evening with my colleague. We have to visit a few people in the hope of getting continuous jobs for our blue-collar workers from Bangladesh. Incidentally, a neighbor just passed away due to stroke. My dad attended the funeral wake last night. I am now scanning my computer for viruses and it seems to be taking hours for the job. You also need to have your home secured and by reading up home security reviews, you will be in a better position to safeguard your sanctuary.

Ok, now it is back to work. No more moonlighting.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Divorce Attorney

Divorce is quite common in the States, if not all over the world. Couples fall in love and fall out of love after years of being together and boredom sets in; and being too familiar with one another. The problem starts when there are kids involved in the nasty fight for custody of them. Just check out Parenting Time Attorney Farmington Hills for more info.

By the way, don't say I did not warn you. You might need such service in future as divorce is never a plan but a very real risk to every married couple - unfaithfulness, third party being involved and the like.

High Traffic

This blog has relatively high traffic compared to my other blogs. Probably because it is due to the fact that I have uploaded lots of beautiful food photos in the past, therefore pulling in repeat visitors. And the fact that I can also leverage on it in earning a bit of income, works very well for me at the same time. I love blogging and have been doing it since August 2006. It is a part time hobby that I get involved in during my free time. Sometimes, I will change the theme to suit the occasion like Chinese New Year, or Christmas.

Check back for more updates. Have a good weekend!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bamboo Bed Sheets

I just received 8 CDs of Pastor Joseph Prince sermons from Singapore. They cost S$8 each and together with postage, it is around $260 in Ringgit. Later on, I am going to listen to some of the CDs in my bedroom while lying on bamboo bed sheets. I will turn on the air conditioner and pull up my silk duvet, bought from China in 2007, and just rest in the Lord while hearing God's message to increase my faith. It is said, "Faith comes by listening; listening the Word of God."

You can check out more about bamboo bed sheets by clicking on the link given here. I was surfing around for information and work to do online when I came across this link. It is possible to earn a little here and there from completing micro jobs online via the internet.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kohl S Coupon

I am a sucker for free gifts and kohl s coupon or even coupon codes for that matter. I also will always redeem my credit card points for gifts like food vouchers or movie vouchers. In the past, I have redeemed a set of bowls, plates, cups and saucers - not once but twice. I have also redeemed a funky watch, but unfortunately, it was not really functional; so I had it discarded. I have also redeemed make up bag using one of my 3 credit cards that I now use.

These are gimmicks that encourage you to spend more to collect points, but I am not easily fooled. I only spend when it is necessary, and no longer buy on impulse unlike the last time.

Gall Bladder Symptoms

I am still feeling a bit tired even after too much sleeping. This morning, I woke up at the normal time, before 9:00am and headed downstairs for a quick breakfast before firing my computer. As I check for work to complete, I came across gall bladder symptoms site where you can click on the link to find out more.

This blog has evolved into a general blog of sorts instead of focusing on food alone. It is also easier for me to maintain, besides getting some financial rewards now and then. Taking food photos are so time consuming - you have to snap nice mouth watering food photos, download them to the computer and then process each one in Photoshop before uploading them to Flicker and linking them for the food post.

V2 Cigs Review

I am not a smoker and will never consider picking up this habit. But for those of you smokers out there, you might like to check out V2 Cigs Review. I found this link on the internet and decided to take up this micro job. As for me, my health is too important to ever think of smoking at all.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Homwwork Help

The kids now a days are spoilt brats. With the internet, they can even get homework help immediately, unlike during my time, I have to crack my head and figure out how to solve the homework using the good old way. Now they take technology for granted as everything can be found easily via the internet and the search engines like Google.

You can even make money now and then with the internet connectivity. But I wonder how many of them actually make full use of the wide resources available online to their full advantage. Only the discerning and diligent will surely use this medium to improve their lives.

Auckland Car Rental

My sister has been to New Zealand once while during her school holidays. She was working as a teacher then. She took the auckland car rental to drive around Auckland with her friends and see the landscape of the beautiful country. Even colourful wild flowers grow in abundance by the road side and they make an eye candy, pleasing to the soul.

I have seen her photos taken in New Zealand and would love to go there one day. It is a splendid place with lots of natural beauty like the glazier, glow worms and if you the the outdoor type, there are lots of activities to keep you excitingly occupied.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Inspirational Quotes

I live by Inspirational Quotes every moment of my life. Those are mainly taken from the Bible such as 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,' or 'Knowledge is Power.' There are many more and exerpts from wise men. Still others like, 'Give a Man a Fish, and you Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man How to Fish, and you Feed Him a Life Time,' makes us study hard to learn life skills so that we can earn an income and be productive.

'The lazy hand will go hungry, he will look for food, but find nothing.' There is also the familiar one like, 'Make Hay while the sun Shines' - promtping us to take full use of the opportunities and youth to work hard while we are able and to save up for retirement in years to come.

Blogging from a Home Office

I have been blogging from a home office since August 2006 till today. At that time, blogging was quite lucrative with PPP dishing out juicy paid posts but it has since dried up - from an oasis of opportunities, it has become a barren desert. Now, there are hardly any more post on a daily basis, but I still get them once in a blue moon - and that is not too often. Luckily, I don't depend on blogging wholly. I still have my full time job to work for a friend in his sports building business and we travel all over Malaysia for projects.

It is commissioned basis with a basic income. So far, the company is doing quite fine to survive for the last 10 years in business despite having more competitors.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Head Lamp Converters

I woke up quite early this morning, had a cup of milo for breakfast and then headed straight to work after firing up my computer. I also happen to surf around for information and came across this site where you can click on the link to find out more information.

At the moment, I am reading up books on finances and how to have sufficient retirement nest egg in my golden years.

Best Home Security Cameras

Easter Sunday was yesterday and I made it a point to attend church on this important day which celebrates the resurrection power of Jesus Christ from the grave, 3 days after his crucifixion on Good Friday. In the meantime, you can check out best home security cameras which I happen to surf around today after completing my main job in a home office.

So, with the spare time, I use it to check for information on the net for products.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Link Building Service

Do you know that link building service is the lifeblood of your business just as oxygen is to your body? To grow your business, you need to invest some money in link building service. You can check out more information by clicking on the link given and read about their rates and packages. Blog posting is a form of link building, but to do this yourself every day is very time consuming. So, subcontract this job to the professionals who charge much cheaper compared to others.

Recently, I was bombarded with lots of posts to write and build links on my blog for other sites. They pay about $5 for 3 links on my other blog and the opps came in one big shot, about 20 opps per day for a few days and then it stopped.

Barracuda Stun Gun

It is not easy to earn money online. You need lots of luck and determination. You need to constantly work at it every day whenever there are new opps online. This morning, I came across a web site with barracuda stun gun information. You can click on the link to find out more.

I am a peacemaker and will not condone to violence to get things done my way. It is a big no-no. So, you will never find an arsenal of arms in my home. Today, I am bombarded with a few jobs to do online and am now very busy. At least it gives me some allowance each month.

Vehicle Insurance

I woke up quite early today, read the Bible on the book of Proverbs for a few chapters, checked my iPhone 4 and surf some web sites on my bed before heading downstairs for breakfast. Thereafter, I logon to my computer. Did some few clicks on 2 programs with one of them paying USD 10 cents per click with 10 links to click every day, earning me USD 1 per day. It takes USD 30 for cash out at the minimum.

Also found a site at vehicle insurance. Now this reminds me that my vehicle insurance is due for my olive green Myvi - the best selling car model in Malaysia. Ladies will love it for easy parking and its sleek body design. I love the curves and modern stylish outlook for young executives.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hair Feathers Extensions

I will never imagine myself wearing hair feathers extensions, but some people don't have second thoughts about using them. My hair is genuine, though white for some strands, but may be colored black.

This blog of mine has evolved to become a general blog of sorts from a food blog. Now I just update it with information on other products that may be of interests to me.

Home Security Systems Camera

I had a short nap just now after working for a while on my PC. Now it is back to work again and in a short while, I will take my bath before going out for dinner with a colleague. I bought 2 new books recently from Kinokuniya with 10% discount in KLCC. Who knows, I might just bring one book along to read and to keep me company while having dinner.

As an aside, you might like to check out home security systems cameras to be the eyes for your home especially when you are not around. Nowadays, children get mutilated when they walk on their own to playgrounds and such. We have to keep them safe from child traffickers, paedophiles, et cetera.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Tank Cleaning Miami

I just came back from Genting Highlands to attend a wedding dinner which was in the Malaysian book of records for the most number of tables at 165 in the Grand Convention Centre at First World Hotel. I also had lunch at Mandarin Oriental and bought 2 books at Kinokuniya in KLCC. Also became a member at Kinokuniya for $36 with 10% discount on books.

Now I am back in Penang and checking my emails where I came across a web site septic tank cleaning miami. You can click on the link to find out more information. Meanwhile, I have some work to complete on my own before doing the company work.

Stay at home No More

Thanks for the post from Nora Mccoy

I love living here but being a stay at home mom was boring me. I think it’s time I start my own business and I told my husband so – he is leery because he doesn’t want me to waste a bunch of money trying to get something off the ground and then it never take off. I think what I want to do is actually custom designed stationery – it’s a good time to do that kind of work and I think all the time about how much money those people must make. I’ve already researched how much the software costs and how much the Dallas T1 will be and all that and I’m going to present it to my husband. Hopefully he sees potential in this like I do and will loan me the money to get it off the ground but you know, at the end of the day it’s his decision and I have to trust that he knows best. Well, that and I know I can just ask my dad for the money!