
Saturday, April 6, 2019

Programmers are EVIL

my Wordpress blog was sabotaged for a few days until I decided enough is enough and took the initiative to solve the problems myself. The problem started when my Prompt theme crashed due to wrong advise by the Malay programmer to install 'black hole' plugin that caused the theme crash and you have to pay USD 60 a year to restore it. I made the wrong mistake by trusting a certain programmer named D Jiang from China to solve for me. Well, he did solve, but added more bugs and then disappeared, refusing to reply for the mess he created. Then I had to go to another wrong choice to pay USD 10 at the minimum to solve the bugs. A certain Indian woman programmer with a site at solved for me and asked for more money and even asked for his brother too to increase his credentials without working and coding a thing. I was naive to listen and did as told. Then eventually, I discovered that my footer disappeared altogether. Another programmer wanted USD 30 to solve this. I had enough of this nonsense of solving the problem and adding more bugs in my blog that I decided to use Activello theme which I am very pleased by adding the ads myself.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

I am a workaholic

I am still a workaholic, always on the prowl looking for work and micro-jobs to milk the internet cash cow. Some of my methods may be obsolete, but nevertheless, it works once in a while when I find jobs online through popular forums. At the same time, I have to also take care of my health so that I don't have to spend my wealth to get back my health. For instance, had dad gone for bypass surgery in his 60s, he would have not been dead by now. He will enjoy quality life without the side effects of bloated feet due to the spoilt heart valve and calcified arteries in the heart. He doesn't have to suffer so much depending on others to change his pampas, to bathe, etc.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Reduce further weight

Now my weight is around 70.+ kg from 72kg. I try to eat less and after looking at dad's case, it is better to be healthy and not fall down in your golden years. He got a concussion and blood clot in his brain and was babbling nonsense, until the neurologist and neurosurgeon gave him medication to dissolve the blood clot. He is doing very well now and positive about going back home to recuperate. I just wish him quality life in this aged situation at a ripe old age of 81. He's still able to do things himself, but is now wearing diapers as he could no longer control his bladder and such.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Weight around 72 kg+

My weight has gone down quite a bit because I had diarrhoea last night after some seafood. I don't really enjoy the company with critical reviews even though the food was first class. Such is the company of toxic people where I intend to have less communication. It certainly brings the mood down instead of being happy eating sumptuous seafood. They are just obnoxious, thanks to cynical thoughts and hours of watching wars, Rohingya migrants, terrorist attacks, floods in 1oo years which was the worst ever and major landslides at Pearl Hill, Tanjung Bungah, etc on Astro.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Weight went up to 73kg again!

I was doing quite well, eating less than usual until my spouse bought me more food to chase the blues away. Eventually, my weight went up to 73 kg and this is not good. I have to reduce even further and bring down my weight for longevity and healthier lifestyle. As blogging here, I have more administrative work to complete like opening up letters, keying purchase receive for tax invoices, not counting the daily quotations and printing of inquiries from potential clients. Then, there is also the weekly travels to KL for business and to take care of the admin side of business all alone. I'm glad to be competent enough to do everything myself and let you sit back watch me work and start to envy. You know who you are!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Need Physiotherapy on my Right Arm

Tomorrow is my appointment for a physiotheraphy on my right arm due to lifting heaby back pack of my spouse from reaching behind the car, whenever we travel to e KL and it was rather frequent. I am going to claim from insurance and went for x-ray already. No surgery is required but need to go for many rounds of physiotherapy. In fact, I feel more pain than before attending the bad treatment. And the first treatment cost RM 90 for 45 minutes which was a waste of time. It will take months for the tendinitis to heal and this will incur more cost, where the most the insurance can pay for me is RM 3k!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Now 72 kg

I weighed myself again and this time it is exactly at 72kg. Went down a further 1 kg or so. Time to celebrate my desire to lose weight for a healthier BMI. As I hate exercise, and need to wash hair and all that, I just eat less and it was effective. Sure, the hunger pangs kick in, but I can tolerate it and it is no big deal. Eat to survive and not survive to eat. Gluttony is a sin, and don't gorge down or wallop on good food especially during buffets. We also cancelled the Mooncake Festival dinner at a hotel in KL due to poor response and also we had to attend to business and work. So, we saved up $1,500 on sponsorship for a table of 10 pax.