
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Buffet Lunch at Cititel Hotel

Today, we celebrated my dad's birthday at Cititel Hotel along Penang Road in advance since my youngest sister works and comes back from office around 9:30pm or even 10:30pm almost every day in her new job. She has to turn around a project worth 2 million dollars that was delayed for 6 months! Her team seems to have the lackadaisical attitude which explains the long delay while my youngest sister has to prove herself in the new job. She is a tough girl and her no-nonsense character makes her a valuable asset in the company. My dad is 77 years of age come this Tuesday on 29th April 2014. He is still relatively healthy except for some illness like peri-neuropathy and heart disease with eczema of the skin as he ages.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Just Came Back from Butterworth

I went for physiotherapy this afternoon at 12 noon at First Adventist Hospital for 1 hour and then had lunch there. Then came back for some work before headed to Butterworth for a meeting with a bumiputera developer and contractor. The office is quite nice, with laser jet printer in colour. There are 2 directors there who helm the company and they have just come back from attending an exhibition in Canton, China. Now Malay contractors are smart; they are willing to do business in China which is no longer viewed as poor unlike decades ago. After negotiating for some discount, I think we have a good chance to do business here.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter Sunday

It started with Maundy Thursday, then Good Friday, Holy Saturday and then Easter Sunday today. Attended church today after 1 month of absence and it was good. There was acoustic worship, seated and watch a dance with accompanying music with lighted candles and decorations. Today is Jesus' resurrection, 3 days after being crucified in Golgotha, or the place of the skull. Indeed, Jesus is alive and will come back again for his followers and Christian children. And Jesus Ressurection power destroys Satan's hold on mankind.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Two years after the Battle of New York, Steve Rogers lives in Washington, D.C. and works for the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D. while adjusting to contemporary society. Rogers, along with his S.T.R.I.K.E. team and agent Natasha Romanoff, is sent to liberate hostages aboard a S.H.I.E.L.D. vessel from Algerian pirates led by Georges Batroc. Mid-mission, Rogers discovers that Romanoff has another agenda: to extract data from the ship's computers for S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury. Rogers returns to the Triskelion, the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, to confront Fury and is debriefed about Project Insight: three Helicarriers linked to spy satellites and designed to preemptively eliminate threats.

Fury, unable to access the encrypted data that Romanoff recovered, becomes suspicious about Project Insight. On his way to rendezvous with Maria Hill, Fury is ambushed by assailants disguised as police officers, led by a mysterious assassin called the Winter Soldier. Fury escapes, sneaks into Rogers' apartment, and warns Rogers that S.H.I.E.L.D. has been compromised. Fury hands Rogers the USB flash drive that contains the data from the ship before being gunned down by the Winter Soldier, who escapes. Fury dies in surgery, and Hill recovers the body.

The next day, Rogers is summoned to the Triskelion by senior S.H.I.E.L.D. official Alexander Pierce. When Rogers withholds Fury's information, Pierce brands him a fugitive. Hunted by the agency, Rogers meets with Romanoff. Using data in the flash drive they discover an old S.H.I.E.L.D. underground base in New Jersey. There, they activate a supercomputer containing the preserved consciousness of Arnim Zola, who reveals that since S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded after World War II, HYDRA has secretly operated within its ranks, sowing global chaos in the hope humanity would willingly surrender its freedom in exchange for security. Rogers and Romanoff narrowly escape death when a S.H.I.E.L.D. missile destroys the bunker.

Rogers and Romanoff enlist the help of Sam Wilson, a former military parajumper whom Rogers befriended, and acquire his powered "Falcon" wingpack. After deducing that senior S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Jasper Sitwell is a HYDRA mole, they interrogate him until he divulges that Zola developed a data-mining algorithm that can identify individuals who might become future threats to HYDRA's plans. The Insight Helicarriers will eliminate these individuals around the world with their satellite-guided guns.

En route to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Rogers, Romanoff and Wilson are ambushed by the Winter Soldier and Sitwell is thrown into oncoming traffic. During the fight, Rogers recognizes the Winter Soldier as Bucky Barnes, his old World War II comrade, before being captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. They are rescued by a disguised Hill, who leads them to a hideout and Fury, who had faked his death. Fury plans to sabotage the Helicarriers by replacing their controller chips.

After members of the World Security Council arrive for the Helicarriers' launch, Rogers reveals HYDRA's plot to everyone at the Triskelion. Romanoff, disguised as one of the Council members, disarms Pierce. Fury arrives and forces Pierce to unlock access to S.H.I.E.L.D's database so Romanoff can expose HYDRA by leaking classified information. After a struggle, Fury shoots Pierce dead.

Meanwhile, Rogers and Wilson storm two Helicarriers and replace the controllers, but the Winter Soldier destroys Wilson's suit and fights Rogers on the third. Rogers fends him off and replaces the final chip, allowing Hill to take control and have the vessels shoot each other down. Rogers falls from the Helicarrier as it crashes into the Triskelion, where Wilson fights double agent Rumlow, who belonged to Rogers' S.T.R.I.K.E. team. Rogers lands in the Potomac River and is rescued by the Winter Soldier, who then disappears.

With S.H.I.E.L.D. in disarray, Fury destroys the last traces of his identity before heading to Eastern Europe in pursuit of HYDRA's remaining cells, under the cover of his apparent death. Romanoff appears before a Senate subcommittee and later gives Rogers a dossier on the Winter Soldier program. Both Rogers and Wilson decide to track down the Winter Soldier.

In a mid-credits scene, Baron von Strucker, at a HYDRA lab, proclaims that HYDRA has not finished its fight with S.H.I.E.L.D. before looking at two prisoners: one with superhuman speed, the other with telekinetic powers. In a post-credits scene, the Winter Soldier visits the Captain America exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Steamboat at Tapinluo

Tomorrow, I shall be going for a dinner steamboat meal at Tapinluo Restaurant in Penang Times Square. The soup was just ambroisia! Fried garoupa, salted fish, yam and bean curd skin are cooked together to make the broth and brings out the awesome flavour to whet your appetite for more. The secret is in the soup and the pot is charcoal heated, which brings down costs in an electric cooker or gas cooker. The traditional way of making steamboat certainly makes Tapinluo very attractive as a small restaurant right in the heart of Georgetown. It is opened from 3:00pm until 1:00am in the wee hours of the morning to cater to a wide variety of patrons.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Mr. Peabody and Sherman

Mr. Peabody is a talking dog who is the smartest being in the world. As a puppy, he was rejected by every potential owner, leading him to devote his life to science, athletics, and technological discoveries. One day, Peabody finds an orphaned infant and legally adopts him under the name of Sherman. He tutors Sherman through a series of adventures throughout history with the use of the WABAC, a time machine and his greatest invention. After narrowly escaping the French Revolution, Sherman starts his first day of school and falls into conflict with classmate Penny Peterson, who he innocently showed up in history class with his first hand knowledge of George Washington. Penny bullies and humiliates Sherman, insulting calling him a "dog" for being raised by one, which provokes Sherman into biting her. Peabody visits Principal Purdy about the matter, but is confronted by Ms. Grunion, a bigoted child and family services agent who threatens to reclaim Sherman if an upcoming home inspection is deemed unfit for him.

Peabody invites the Petersons over for a dinner party to mend fences between the children. While Peabody charms Paul and Patty, Sherman is left with Penny. Sherman reveals the WABAC to Penny after she calls him a liar about his first hand knowledge and they joyride in it, despite Peabody's warnings. Moments later, Sherman seeks Peabody's help to retrieve Penny, who refused to leave her engagement with King Tutankhamun in Ancient Egypt. Penny learns that she will be killed upon Tut's early death and is dragged to the wedding while Peabody and Sherman are trapped in a tomb. They escape and impersonate the god Anubis to call off the wedding. Their cover is blown at the last second, but they escape in the WABAC along with Penny.

With the WABAC low on energy, the three stop in Renaissance Florence to seek the aid of Leonardo da Vinci. While Peabody and Leonardo build a contraption to recharge the WABAC, Penny convinces Sherman to explore Leonardo's workshop with her and they bond by using Leonardo's flying machine without permission. They crash-land and Leonardo is thrilled that the machine worked but Peabody is angered by Sherman's disobedience. Returning to the present, Penny reveals Ms. Grunion's intention of reclaiming Sherman. An argument ensues between Peabody and Sherman while the WABAC draws near a black hole. They escape but crash-land in the Trojan War, where an upset Sherman runs away to join King Agamemnon's army. When Peabody and Penny come to retrieve him, they find themselves in the battle and Penny becomes trapped in the Trojan horse as it races toward to cliff. In a rescue attempt, Sherman and Penny are saved, but Peabody appears to have gone down with the horse and is presumed dead.

Desperate to save Peabody, Sherman and Penny return to the present minutes before Sherman returned the first time to get Peabody to remedy the situation. However, the present copies of Peabody and Sherman show up, along with Ms. Grunion. Grunion attempts to reclaim both Shermans, which causes them, along with the copies of Peabody to merge and disrupt the space-time continuum. Grunion makes another attempt at reclaiming Sherman, hurting him in the process, which causes an enraged Peabody to revert to his natural instinct and bite her. As Grunion informs police, Peabody, Sherman, and Penny flee to the WABAC, but are unable to travel back in time as several historic figures and monuments rain down into the present. The WABAC eventually crashes and Peabody is apprehended by Animal Control, who plan on euthanizing him for assaulting Grunion. Sherman protests by explaining that everything that happened is his fault and declares that he would rather be a dog as good as Peabody than a person. Moved by his speech, every historical figure concurs, including the Petersons. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Bill Clinton support Peabody's legal custody of Sherman and award him a presidential pardon.

When a vortex in the space-time continuum rips open, Sherman pilots the WABAC while Peabody handles the computations intending to travel to the future by a few minutes and undo the damage with success. The historical figures and monuments return to their respective times, with a smitten Agamemnon dragging Grunion with him, the latter swearing vengeance on Peabody. Although it appears Peabody and Sherman are lost, they return spontaneously as The Petersons look on and celebrate. Sherman, closer to Peabody than ever, returns to school where he has become a good friend with Penny. Meanwhile, time periods are contaminated with modern traits and Grunion marries Agamemnon.

Just Came Back from KL

I just came back from KL last night, having reached home around 2:00am in the morning. We started out at 9:00pm right after a late dinner due to work and printing of enquiries in the Subang apartment. Had a busy time in KL, traveling to 4 different places using our GPS installed in our smartphones to look for directions. We attended 2 interviews and hopefully, will get the projects in due time. I bought 2 bars of Cadbury chocolates and promptly put them in my hand bag for emergencies like lots of work and site visit and to kill off the hunger pangs during lunch hour. My colleague is just too committed to his work that lunch takes secondary place. He can afford to skip lunch to work, but not me.