
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Mum Fell Down

After x-ray, MRI scan, the orthopedic surgeon diagnosed mum as having multiple compression of the spine, slipped disc and bone spurs. Now, mum is using Forteo to inject herself every night at 9:45pm at the same time nightly. The medicine is paid by dad's pension that mum inherited. It costs $1,600 a tube that lasts about 10 times. Mum also has to take a painkiller, muscle relaxant, and calcium. She is very lucky to be staying in a very private condo to recuperate with the help of a maid and catering of food. Both youngest one and I with my spouse help mum, taking turns to see to her needs like getting her mixture potassium citrate from the pharmacist for gastric pains. I can only do my best as one parent is left and another had gone to heaven.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Sumptuous Dinner Meal at CRC

The tagline Good Food certainly equals to Good Mood. Food is cathartic and helps reduces stress at work, with people, etc. Just click on the right button to scroll to the left the delicious pictures of food taken recently at Chinese Recreation Club of my Instagram account. The main dish was stir-fried dried scallops with lots of crabmeat and egg, that was paired with lettuce as the wrapper. Next, we had seaweed with home-made fishballs soup and finally beancurd topped with minced meat with salted fish and prawns in dark soya sauce. It was simply ambrosia and Chinese Recreation Club is well known for its food amongst diners and member who get to enjoy 10% discount with a member card.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Hari Raya Today and Burnt Candles for Dad's Niche

Dad, I am truly sorry, if I hurt you in the past. I was the rebellious one in the family and I know it hurts a lot to see your offspring a bit wayward. I was sent to 'tangki' to rid of evil and at that time, we were not yet Christians. Forget about the past, now it is time to light candles for you as perpetual light to shine upon your soul and may you rest in peace and to hasten the path to heaven from purgatory. As this is your faith and believe, I shall honor it and try to light more candles on a more frequent basis like the youngest sister does weekly for you. I guess it is a form of prayer for you too. Though the teeth and the tongue may grind at each other, nevertheless you are my dad and you gave me life! I love you DAD, despite the occasional awkwardness. It is time to Rest in Peace and enjoy Life in Heaven with Jesus, Dear DAD. Where there is no pain, suffering, aging, diseases, sickness, being in adult pampas as you could no longer control your bladder, could no longer walk unaided and being left to stay in a nursing home.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Firtri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin

Hari Raya is coming soon on 5-6th June after a month of Ramadan or fasting for the Muslims and they Buka Puasa around 7:00 pm. The eateries and restaurants are so crowded today, being a weekend, a Saturday on 1st of June. Here I embed the photos taken at a Ramadan Buffet spread at Paradize Hotel which was taken recently as below:
The photos consist of Telue Masak Lemak, Ikan Masak Merah, Tauhu Sumbat, Beef Rendang, kuih and curries. They look delectable and inviting for the fasting Muslim to Buka Puasa here. But mostly it is the staff that Buka Puasa here instead of the very few Chinese patrons. So, in the meantime, enjoy my own photos.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Programmers are EVIL

my Wordpress blog was sabotaged for a few days until I decided enough is enough and took the initiative to solve the problems myself. The problem started when my Prompt theme crashed due to wrong advise by the Malay programmer to install 'black hole' plugin that caused the theme crash and you have to pay USD 60 a year to restore it. I made the wrong mistake by trusting a certain programmer named D Jiang from China to solve for me. Well, he did solve, but added more bugs and then disappeared, refusing to reply for the mess he created. Then I had to go to another wrong choice to pay USD 10 at the minimum to solve the bugs. A certain Indian woman programmer with a site at solved for me and asked for more money and even asked for his brother too to increase his credentials without working and coding a thing. I was naive to listen and did as told. Then eventually, I discovered that my footer disappeared altogether. Another programmer wanted USD 30 to solve this. I had enough of this nonsense of solving the problem and adding more bugs in my blog that I decided to use Activello theme which I am very pleased by adding the ads myself.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

I am a workaholic

I am still a workaholic, always on the prowl looking for work and micro-jobs to milk the internet cash cow. Some of my methods may be obsolete, but nevertheless, it works once in a while when I find jobs online through popular forums. At the same time, I have to also take care of my health so that I don't have to spend my wealth to get back my health. For instance, had dad gone for bypass surgery in his 60s, he would have not been dead by now. He will enjoy quality life without the side effects of bloated feet due to the spoilt heart valve and calcified arteries in the heart. He doesn't have to suffer so much depending on others to change his pampas, to bathe, etc.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Reduce further weight

Now my weight is around 70.+ kg from 72kg. I try to eat less and after looking at dad's case, it is better to be healthy and not fall down in your golden years. He got a concussion and blood clot in his brain and was babbling nonsense, until the neurologist and neurosurgeon gave him medication to dissolve the blood clot. He is doing very well now and positive about going back home to recuperate. I just wish him quality life in this aged situation at a ripe old age of 81. He's still able to do things himself, but is now wearing diapers as he could no longer control his bladder and such.