
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Hari Raya Today and Burnt Candles for Dad's Niche

Dad, I am truly sorry, if I hurt you in the past. I was the rebellious one in the family and I know it hurts a lot to see your offspring a bit wayward. I was sent to 'tangki' to rid of evil and at that time, we were not yet Christians. Forget about the past, now it is time to light candles for you as perpetual light to shine upon your soul and may you rest in peace and to hasten the path to heaven from purgatory. As this is your faith and believe, I shall honor it and try to light more candles on a more frequent basis like the youngest sister does weekly for you. I guess it is a form of prayer for you too. Though the teeth and the tongue may grind at each other, nevertheless you are my dad and you gave me life! I love you DAD, despite the occasional awkwardness. It is time to Rest in Peace and enjoy Life in Heaven with Jesus, Dear DAD. Where there is no pain, suffering, aging, diseases, sickness, being in adult pampas as you could no longer control your bladder, could no longer walk unaided and being left to stay in a nursing home.

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