
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Be Annoying?

Someone blogged to be Annoying, for it is Good? hello?? Is this blogger of sane mind? Do we feel a sense of winning when someone else fails? Do we prefer to sabotage a friend's plans? Well, to share my story, I have had my share of failure due to trusting someone close during that time. The advise given was ill-fated. It was disaster! Unfortunately, I took in the bad advise and had to pay the heavy price. Suffice to say that it had taught me never to trust and listen blindly even to someone close and supposedly trusted. Think for yourself. Only you can take the best care of your soul and no one else can help you, except maybe to pray.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Don't Plan to Renew the Domain

This blog will revert to its original domain name at instead of After considering the potential earnings in having a personal domain, it is better not to renew it to justify the costs. Besides, this blog no longer earns me much revenue anymore compared to the good old times and I also don't have time to post and update you on what I eat and where I dine. But the earlier posts are filled with pretty tantalizing photos of the various restaurants that I patronize. This blog will remain as it is and to remind me of good times when there was plenty to show off. Now, moderation is the order of the day.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

iDatix Mobile Document Management

Document management software such as iDatix mobile document management makes our lives so much easier and work automated. Economy continues to flourish in any countries that embrace information technology and document management software in the companies. When there are more people working in the organization, you cannot help but to use technology such as the internet, Microsoft Office, Autocad, etc. For the companies that do not use and invest in technology, they will lose out to the younger generation who are IT-smart. Knowing Facebook, Twitter does not really help, but personally I think it is a waste or precious time. You don't have to take my word for it but check it out online.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Smoky Mountain Cabin Rentals

Sometimes I work too hard and I think I need a good long break like escaping to a mountain resort and find out more about smoky mountain cabin rentals. As an employee, you have to learn to manage your boss and this is something that should be acquired when you are employed. Nobody wants to work like a donkey, not getting appreciated but being abused verbally for the slightest mistake. When you do a good job, this will raise the expectations of your superior and that is where more problems come in. Unless of course, you are your own boss, calling the shots. Otherwise, it is no point working too fast as you are not a machine. I am looking forward to my retirement soon and hope that my savings will be sufficient to tide me through my golden years.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pepper Spray Guns at Defender

I am now in Kuala Lumpur and just yesterday, we visited 4 places with the aid of a GPS. By the time we arrived home, I was very tired and slept for a few hours before ordering home-delivery dinner at almost 8:30pm. Such is the nature of my work. After resting for some time after dinner, then I started the computer to type quotations and invoices. Today, I will follow my boss to another 2 client's place, one of which to collect a down payment with a cheque. In the meantime, you can check out pepper spray guns at Defender which I happen to surf around this morning. Check it out and it might be good for your self defence.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Earned RM 105 this Morning

Just got paid in S$42 for 6 articles about Singapore that I completed this morning. Each article is 500 to 550 words. Yes, it is possible to earn some money now and then via the internet when you are determined and constantly look around for work. This is a repeat client and we have good working relations. It is a blessing to be able to milk the internet which has been my cash cow since I joined. I also found my boss from the internet. We have been working together for 10 years already and work very well as a team to prosper many people under our employment and also our relatives. Most of your financial problems can be solved with the internet provided you invest in some skills and reading up to leverage on this amazing media.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

I Love Food

I love food, but that does not mean that I am fat. No, far from it. I lead a healthy lifestyle by walking constantly in shopping malls like Gurney Plaza. I also take my vitamin supplements like multi-vitamins, Gingko Biloba for the brain, Omega-3 Fatty Acids for the heart, Vitamins C and E as anti-oxidants, Milk Thistle for liver health, Bilberry for good eyesight, Red Rice Yeast to lower the cholesterol, etc. These supplements are not cheap, but my health is just as important so that I can continue to work effectively for long hours with my home computer.