
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

V2 Cigs Review

I am not a smoker and will never consider picking up this habit. But for those of you smokers out there, you might like to check out V2 Cigs Review. I found this link on the internet and decided to take up this micro job. As for me, my health is too important to ever think of smoking at all.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Homwwork Help

The kids now a days are spoilt brats. With the internet, they can even get homework help immediately, unlike during my time, I have to crack my head and figure out how to solve the homework using the good old way. Now they take technology for granted as everything can be found easily via the internet and the search engines like Google.

You can even make money now and then with the internet connectivity. But I wonder how many of them actually make full use of the wide resources available online to their full advantage. Only the discerning and diligent will surely use this medium to improve their lives.

Auckland Car Rental

My sister has been to New Zealand once while during her school holidays. She was working as a teacher then. She took the auckland car rental to drive around Auckland with her friends and see the landscape of the beautiful country. Even colourful wild flowers grow in abundance by the road side and they make an eye candy, pleasing to the soul.

I have seen her photos taken in New Zealand and would love to go there one day. It is a splendid place with lots of natural beauty like the glazier, glow worms and if you the the outdoor type, there are lots of activities to keep you excitingly occupied.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Inspirational Quotes

I live by Inspirational Quotes every moment of my life. Those are mainly taken from the Bible such as 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,' or 'Knowledge is Power.' There are many more and exerpts from wise men. Still others like, 'Give a Man a Fish, and you Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man How to Fish, and you Feed Him a Life Time,' makes us study hard to learn life skills so that we can earn an income and be productive.

'The lazy hand will go hungry, he will look for food, but find nothing.' There is also the familiar one like, 'Make Hay while the sun Shines' - promtping us to take full use of the opportunities and youth to work hard while we are able and to save up for retirement in years to come.

Blogging from a Home Office

I have been blogging from a home office since August 2006 till today. At that time, blogging was quite lucrative with PPP dishing out juicy paid posts but it has since dried up - from an oasis of opportunities, it has become a barren desert. Now, there are hardly any more post on a daily basis, but I still get them once in a blue moon - and that is not too often. Luckily, I don't depend on blogging wholly. I still have my full time job to work for a friend in his sports building business and we travel all over Malaysia for projects.

It is commissioned basis with a basic income. So far, the company is doing quite fine to survive for the last 10 years in business despite having more competitors.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Head Lamp Converters

I woke up quite early this morning, had a cup of milo for breakfast and then headed straight to work after firing up my computer. I also happen to surf around for information and came across this site where you can click on the link to find out more information.

At the moment, I am reading up books on finances and how to have sufficient retirement nest egg in my golden years.

Best Home Security Cameras

Easter Sunday was yesterday and I made it a point to attend church on this important day which celebrates the resurrection power of Jesus Christ from the grave, 3 days after his crucifixion on Good Friday. In the meantime, you can check out best home security cameras which I happen to surf around today after completing my main job in a home office.

So, with the spare time, I use it to check for information on the net for products.