
Monday, February 27, 2012

Feeling So Sleepy

Now is quarter to eight in the morning but I am still feeling so sleepy. Perhaps it is due to the fast that I slept quite late last night, past midnight, as I was glued to a magazine - Personal Money that I bought yesterday. I conclude that this could also due to the fact that I work in a home office, so I tend to wake up later than usual and nap in between work. I hope my comfortable work in a home does not make me slothful and unmotivated. But with financial rewards, who can resist?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wine Gift Baskets infographic
Brought To By, Purveyors of Fine Wine and Champagne

Do you know that Jesus turned water into the best quality wine at a marriage feast in Canna? The guests had the best wine in years to come and they enjoyed their merry-making. Wine also has resveratrol which is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps to prevent cancer. Moreover, the slight alcohol content in wine aids in removing bad cholesterol and unclog the arteries. Hence, it helps prevent heart disease and is beneficial to the heart. You can check out Wine Gift Baskets if you are looking for a bottle of wine or more that is carefully packed in a basket for your family or friends.

Wine is usually drunk during commemorative and celebrative occasions like a wedding feast, graduation, promotion, Oscars gala night and any other form to 'yam seng' or 'bottoms up' with fellow friends, family and colleagues at a round dinner table. It is a form of social get together where loved ones and friends have a good chat after dinner and drink wine to wash all the food down.

My uncle who is a physician in Singapore used to drink a glass of wine every day until today and he still plays 18-hole golf every Sunday. He is now 95 years of age, still very healthy and able to walk long distances unaided.

Going to Kedah

This morning, I will be following my colleague to Kedah to meet up with a potential client for some projects. I was still slumbering away under my duvet in the air con room when I received the call to resend email to another client. So much for not keep track of emails! And he's supposed to be a bursar. All my emails are sent via gmail which is a very good email software, hence I can do a quick search for previously sent out emails.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Roulette Bonus

When I go to Genting Highlands with the biggest hotel of over 6,000 rooms in the world on a mountain top, I will always go in to the casinos and watch the punters busy with the games machines hoping to make money. If you play many rounds and are lucky, there will be a roulette bonus for your taking. We all live to make money - as much as we can possible do - so that our retirement will be rosy and golden and not having to beg in the streets like the hobos.

I am a Workaholic

Just like the Chinese culture, I am a workaholic. I must always find something profitable to do and not to laze around doing nothing. This is not enjoying life to me. I need to fully utilize the time and ability at the moment to gain financially be in it business or in virtual assistance. You can never be like a particular race which will always find excuses not to work and always expect handouts from the government lamenting that their race is poorer than other. But in the first place they are lazy, unmotivated and always play truant from their work place!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Internet Reputation Management

There is a company that I just found which offers internet reputation management. They are rather successful in their venture for clients the world over. But their charges can be quite astronomical and only large companies can consider hiring them as their name and brand are very important. Just check them out by clicking on the link above. They are quite established and the web site is well laid out.

Happily Blogging

I guess blogging is my hobby and something I do almost every day. There is financial incentive for doing so as well, besides keeping my blogs up to date. I love the freedom that it offers in the sense that I can blog what comes to mind, bearing in mind of the limited freedom as to what is appropriate to be posted and what is not. I try to blog on how I make income online and on food.