
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Storage Shed Plans

I was looking for blogging opportunities when I came across storage shed plans - where you can just click on the link - and find out more information. In a way, I also update my blog and this will kill two birds with one stone. Later on, I will check into Mandarin Oriental Hotel beside KLCC and stay there for the weekend and check out the next day. When I return to Penang from KL, there will be a friend's wedding dinner to attend.

The Internet has Lots of Opportunities

There are many opportunities to find via the internet. They are countless and you just need to look deeper to find them. From writing opps to blogging and doing micro jobs, you will always find something to do each day and earn a little extra. All these little earnings will add up to quite a substantial amount at the end of the month and you can request for payment when you hit the mininum USD 9.00 for micro jobs. As for writing articles, you can withdraw when you hit USD 10.00

Casual Dresses

Now I prefer to wear pants than casual dresses because it is easier to move around and to sit with more freedom instead of crossing your legs all the time. As I am a bit overweight, it is a bit difficult to cross my legs and hence, I prefer to wear pants for modesty. Besides, I look slimmer in dark pants and they lengthen my legs visually. But if you are slim even in your 50s, then casual dresses will enhance your style and look.

Lawyers don't make Good Business Men

Lawyers are too rigid and don't bend. They follow the law closely and will not hesitate to take legal action as the slightest mistake. Hence, they don't make good business men who run their business based on good will and friendship. To them, money is their God and they make use of people to love money instead of using money to love people. Hope you get the drift.


If you are obese, then you need to do simple exercises like jump rope workouts in the comfort of your home. It doesn't have to be costly by joining expensive gym memberships and find that you hardly have time to drive to the gym, exercise, wash up and then drive back. Sometimes, the gym strength stations may be occupied by other people leaving you with no choice but to try out other machines.

Working Hard

I am working hard at a home office to save up enough money for my retirement in years to come, barring any inflation effects. If the inflation rate is 4%, then using the rule of 72, it takes 18 years for your money to become half its value! Likewise, if the interests rate is 6%, then using the rule of 72, it takes 12 years for your money to double its initial amount. There are many ways to make money online and you need to check out good forums to learn more.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Reliable Web Hosting

At the end of 2000, I came back to Penang after 6 years in Singapore to rest and recuperate from all the work stress. After one year of surfing around and learning how to build web sites, I started to offer reliable web hosting with web designing services. I was able to make a little here and there and by chatting with people for work and business. But at the end of it all, I was chatting more than earning and my internet fees overtake my income many times more that I had to start looking for a job outside. Well, suffice to say, I am back to working in my home office and earning a good income.