
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Annuity Rates

Before I retire, I might just compare the various annuity rates from the different policies so that my retirement years will be golden with a monthly income to spend until I meet my maker in heaven. You need to start early and check out before it is too late. This is to ensure that your retirement will be golden years and not woeful years begging in the streets like a vagrant. You also need to have close relations with your kids so that they will take care of you in your old age.

Kitchen Splashback

I was browsing around the web sites when I came across kitchen splashback where you can just click on the link given to find out more about it. It is one of my sources of information by browsing through web sites and being connected to the internet which has produced many millionaires who work from their humble home office to begin with. Now the government has allowed employees to work from their homes and not commute to work anymore for jobs like draughting and those that you can comfortably complete with a computer.

The Benefits of Working at Home

I have been working from my home office since February, 2004. There are many benefits of working from home. You don't have to earn pittance working from home but lots of money doing part time work in your free time. The benefits are plenty like saving money from commuting to work, savings on office attire and makeup, time from waiting in traffic jams, etc. Since I can type quite fast and have learnt how to use the proper keystrokes on the keypad, I work quite efficiently with my laptop. And working from home is a blessing to many people like me.

Glazing Systems

I am currently adding more furniture to my new apartment and may look for glass contractor to add Glazing systems or do other renovation work. Just last month, I designed my own built-in furniture for the living room, study room and 2 bedrooms and got a quotation from a local contractor. But he quoted way above the market rate and I cannot afford it. So, I decided to buy ready-made furniture and have them delivered right to my doorsteps. They are cheaper and classier with practical designs.

I Love my JOB

I love my full time job working at a home office. For some people the definition of JOB is Just Over Broke. As for me, it is Joy On Board! I can work anytime of the day and keep looking for new jobs to complete online and get paid instantly. My full time job is working as an IT executive for a sports surfacing company while I also moonlight par time doing paid posts and writing articles. The money earned is sufficient to pay for the bills and internet connectivity each month. This is God's blessings upon my life now.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Bad Credit Mortgages

With the US sub-prime financial crisis in 2008 and the Eurozone debt problems, the world may be heading toward a recession next year. And if you have bad credit mortgages, you can check out the link given for more information and how to redeem yourself from financial woes. Now a lot of countries in debt are turning to China to be their savior and to loan them money as China is now cash rich - very rich indeed due to international trade. It is now the second biggest economy just after USA and is targeted to overtake the USA in a few years to come.

Making Money Online is Possible

Making money online is possible. You just need to be patient and diligent in looking for it. The internet is like your cash cow where you can milk it every other day. From USD 50 cents a day to more, you can slowly accumulate until you hit your target. It is like a full time job where you have to work consistently and not give up. I am happy to have found my niche and source of income here. This is additional pocket money for me and for saving up towards rainy days. Now my time is profitably spend online with more jobs to complete.