
Friday, October 26, 2012


Guitars are very popular musical instruments for any picnic or party. They are portable and can be easily carried around. Unlike large, heavy pianos or organs where you need to connect to electricity, guitars can be strummed on the spot during any gatherings. Christian worship leaders love strumming the guitar while leading in the Sunday worship service. Guitars can also be used for any cell groups, when they meet up weekly in the hosts' homes. In fact, I have an old guitar somewhere in my house which was on loan by my cousin many years ago.

I can play simple songs picking on the guitar strings. This song is very sentimental to me and I will play on it to make music to de-stress while studying in Singapore. Those were my student days when all we ever think about was to pass exams with flying colours.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Stun Gun

I read lots of crime about people being killed or robbed randomly in Kuala Lumpur. And this happens mainly to Chinese. Perhaps the perpetrator thinks that Chinese are naturally richer, staying in bigger home and therefore they are targeted. Such robbers need to be shot with a stun gun, to teach them a lesson.

Otherwise, more precious lives will be lost down the road as long as they are roaming freely amongst us. Most of them are foreigners like Indonesian who carry parangs to rob innocent rich people. In Malaysia, the police do not carry any stun guns, but instead use the real gun. So when it come to battle with the police force, you cannot beat them and might be killed instead when there is exchange of fire.

Murderers and robbers do not deserve to live and roam freely. They should be put behind bars for life to prevent a repeat of the crime.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rebecca Leeb

Rebecca Leeb is a pretty young lady with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She just graduated in Accounting from Monash University in Australia and is currently looking for a job. With her attractive physical attributes, she will have no problem in landing a good paying job of her choice.

She is smart, talented, yet humble. Her down to earth character wins her many friends in her social network.

Statistics have shown that men prefer women with black and brown hair over women with blonde hair. The social networking site Badoo conducted a survey on 2,000 men, which asked men about their inclination towards women on the basis of their physical appearance.

As per the data of the survey, above 60% men liked women with black and brown hair, whereas, only 29.5% men were attracted to women with blonde hair.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Michael W. Leroy

There was once a man by the name of Michael W. Leroy, who is a devout Catholic and stays near his church. He is active in church, serving as a lector and photographer at the same time. He has 2 smart daughters who are also fellow Catholics like him.

They also serve in the same church as fellow lectors, who will go up to the pulpit to read the Bible scriptures for the day during Church service. Both his daughters are blessed in their own rights, single and unmarried. They are financially independent and do not need a partner to support them.

Well, their father is still alive and kicking. He also serves in Little Sisters of the Poor as a volunteer there. As a retiree, he gets a monthly pension from the government, being retired from the civil service as a former school teacher. Michael W. Leroy is indeed very blessed with good health, wealth and smart daughters.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Priority Banking

Today I went to Public bank again to take out my Fixed Deposit that matured last month and put into Standard Chartered Bank to take advantage of the 4.01% interests rate per annum. In the meantime, I also applied for priority banking and received a notepad that looks like a diary. I also hope to get my Infinity Credit Card. Well, I am not too happy with the service of the relationship manager who tells me that there is no gift at all and all given out. After much talking, then only she relented. My God! This was my entitlement that should be given out automatically and not with much persuasion or arm-tactic. I feel like lodging a complaint but then that will be another day.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Pradaxa Side Effects

If you encounter any of pradaxa side effects, well simply just click on the link given to read up and find out more about it, when the browser loads up. Some medication give side effects that may be harmful to your health and it is therefore your responsibility to find out more from the doctor or pharmacist before purchase.

Some medication help you put on more weight while others may cause other side effects. Whatever it is, always check with your physician or pharmacist prior to consumption. Never take everything for granted and that the medication will work well on you without any side effects. Your health is your wealth!