
Monday, March 31, 2014

Just Came Back from KL

I just came back from KL last night, having reached home around 2:00am in the morning. We started out at 9:00pm right after a late dinner due to work and printing of enquiries in the Subang apartment. Had a busy time in KL, traveling to 4 different places using our GPS installed in our smartphones to look for directions. We attended 2 interviews and hopefully, will get the projects in due time. I bought 2 bars of Cadbury chocolates and promptly put them in my hand bag for emergencies like lots of work and site visit and to kill off the hunger pangs during lunch hour. My colleague is just too committed to his work that lunch takes secondary place. He can afford to skip lunch to work, but not me.

Monday, March 24, 2014

More Work Today

Today I have lots of work and they must be completed within a certain time. I also have to go for my physiotherapy due today at the Adventist Hospital. Money is not easy to earn and comfort is the greatest killer of success. When you are used to comfort, it is not easy for you to dirty your hand and get down to doing real work. I also have been sleeping more now in my comfort zone, but it is my colleague who is a workaholic that gets things done, since helming the company some 11 years back. Yes, that's how long I have been working in the same company since early 2003.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Now in KL

I am now in KL, having arrived around 12:00 midnight last night by car, traveling from Penang after dinner. We stopped for a break in Bukit Gantang and Ulu Bernam for nature's call. There will be a meeting tomorrow with a big developer and also a school. I also hope to view the Main Place condo in consideration of renting it out if the amenities are good. The present place needs lots of upkeep and repair which is not worth our time since we come here once a week for a couple of days on average. Just pray and hope that my colleague will have some wisdom in managing the finances with positive net worth and not negative or zero!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Hazy KL

I came back from KL last night and it was very hazy. The haze level was above 100 and this is considered unhealthy due to open burning in several spots. 31 schools were closed in the Klang Valley area yesterday. Well, I just stayed overnight there, collected a cheque and then headed back home to Penang as soon as possible. I also bought a cheap mask for $1.50 each and wore it on the way back to Penang from KL to Tapah. Farmers are openly defying the authorities by burning the forests in Cameron Highlands for future farming and this contributes to more pollution and haze. As of now, I shall just stay indoors, read the news and check out on what's happening to MH 370 which mysteriously disappeared without any distress signals.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Opportunities to Make Money Online

I am pleased that there are several opportunities to make money online, albeit a little low. The tasks come now and then and you have to work hard. There is no free lunch on this planet earth, unless you are married to a millionaire! Or born with a silver spoon in your mouth, of which most of us are Not! Hence, with education and some hard work, we can make it by acquiring relevant knowledge and skills to arm ourselves with more opportunities online like writing gigs, blogging, image editing and more. We also have to keep our blogs fresh with new content to leverage on earning an income and make the internet our cash cow.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Rude Assistant

Last Friday, I went for my physiotherapy round at Penang Adventist Hospital under Sing Nee, my physiotherapist. Since I sort of like her service and besides being hinted to give ang pow, I gave her a twenty dollar ang pow quietly. Unbeknownst to me, her assistant, Carol did not fully go out of the room and saw my giving of ang pow to Sing Nee. Well, the following treatment, Carol came to the room to collect payment early while I was still undergoing treatment and when I went out, she said loudly fifteen and sniggered as if hinting to me to give her RM 15 ang pow for doing next to nothing. My one time ang pow to Sing Nee was a gesture of appreciation and nothing more. However, I noticed the treatment was different and less attentive after giving of the ang pow. The following up treatment, was fine but as I came out from the toilet, Carol colluded with another colleague to throw her shoes directly in front of me as if making a bold statement that she is serious in getting her $15 ang pow. I personally don’t deserve such rude treatment and will be going for many rounds to physiotherapy at Penang Adventist Hospital. If this one Carol wants to be downright rude, then may I suggest that she starts looking for a new job elsewhere. After all, I am a paying customer while she is just a paid staff and has no business to be rude to patients to harass me for her ang pow! I give to whom I like and should have the freedom out of appreciation and satisfaction.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cards Against People

When I was small and still a primary school student, I have played different types of card games like Memory, Ginramy, amongst others. It was fun playing with my sister and mum and we all had a good time. Those were the days of carefree life. You might like to know that there is now a new game called Cards Against People which was created by a group of High School alumni as a party game for a celebration. It was financed through a global crowd funding website knowns as Kickstarter sometime in 2011. Just click on the link given to find out more information.