
Friday, August 24, 2012

Verified My Payza

Today I managed to successfully verify my Payza account. It was formerly known as Alert Pay. However, the debit card that I bought online is still Alert Pay and I am not sure if I can still use it with Payza. There is USD 32 loaded to the card of which I have been trying to withdraw using the Visa ATM machines. I am still clueless as to how to withdraw into Malaysian Ringgit of RM 90.00 after a deduction of USD 3 for the transaction. Otherwise, I will just use the debit card to purchase items from any of the supermarkets and free up the loaded cash. The money saved is my hard work completing micro jobs from a web site.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Title Loans Daytona Beach

In my partner's business, we have to live by faith that the next check will come soon to pay our many workers and material and to pay our suppliers. With bad economic situation, and the Eurozone debt debacle, money is hard to come by and we could feel this even doing business in Malaysia.

Who knows, we might just need Title Loans Daytona Beach. Our overheads are very high every week and we need constant income from our completed projects to continue running and operating the small business.

Sometimes, our Bangladeshi workers will have their wages delayed for some time because some clients just refused to pay the balance payment upon completion. These people have no integrity and will default on their word and promise to pay after the sports courts are completed!

So, we might just need Title Loans Daytona Beach to help tide us out in these trying times!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Youth Wealth and Wellness

When you have kids who grow up in their adolescents, you need to ensure their wealth and wellness through Humira Orencia El Paso Tx. Just click on the links given to find out more information. Who knows, this might just be the solution for your kids.

You need to ensure their wealth by putting aside some savings every month in their bank accounts and teach them the value of money and how to spend within their means. Afterall, wealth can only be created if you spend less than you earn!

So, in the meantime, check out Humira Orencia El Paso Tx and maybe even bookmark it.

Nikon D7000 Accessories

My father is an avid photographer and he is the official church photographer for The Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. He has many Nikon D7000 accessories as part of his photography tools and he carries a big black camera bag with him when he on his photo taking rounds in the church compound.

He also takes photos for weddings of his friends in his younger days. This is his hobby which has earned him some lucrative income using just his camera. He uses a comprehensive DSLR camera and not the automatic point and shoot type that you can keep in your handbag.

He also owns several types of camera lenses - one to make the sky bluer, another to double or even triple the image of the object and so on.

Went to Shanghai Last Month

I was in Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou last month during my birthday. I traveled there with my youngest sister by Malaysian Airlines. Boy, it was an experiential journey by air!

The holidays in Shanghai was good. I took the Maglev train or known as Magnetic Levitation train traveling at 400km per hour from Pudong Airport to Shanghai. Visited a few tourists spots in Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou where we watched a Grammy award winning show on a lake!